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new boy on the block seeking assistance plz

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Thanks meds.

I am on anglesey/sometimes in flintshire.

These are a sample of my Q's:

Can I fit all the equipment into a decent sized estate car like an Audi A4?

Can I complete a straight through course to solo standard at a Spanish venue due to the weather factor. I really don't want to do a disrupted course.

If I completed the course abroad would I be able to return and start solo flying without further mandatory instruction? .

How essential is it to buy a NEW PM, compared to a secondhand one from a reputable supplier?

. NO PM / PG experience at all.

Many thanks in advance...


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Thanks meds.

I am on anglesey/sometimes in flintshire.

These are a sample of my Q's:

Can I fit all the equipment into a decent sized estate car like an Audi A4?

Can I complete a straight through course to solo standard at a Spanish venue due to the weather factor. I really don't want to do a disrupted course.

If I completed the course abroad would I be able to return and start solo flying without further mandatory instruction? .

How essential is it to buy a NEW PM, compared to a secondhand one from a reputable supplier?

. NO PM / PG experience at all.

Many thanks in advance...


Hello mate. Welcome to the forum. I can't answer all your questions. And there are far more skilled and knowledgable flyers than I. But.

I drive a smart and my wing fits in fine (even though it'll never be the same size as when it came out of the box. as for a motor. They mostly break down into a transportable size. I don't think you'll have any problem unless you want to bring the mrs and all her family too :D

Yes there are definitely schools in Spain. But there's no guarantees you'll get perfect flying year round there either. Plus (this is my opinion) if you're flying in the UK you may as well get prepared for the weather and all it brings. Good and bad.

This is currently an unlicensed sport so you don't need any mandatory training whatsoever. But, again my opinion. You'd be daft to do it on your own. There's NONE of the politics as compared with a PPL etc. so nothing is compulsory. It's about having safe fun and being cogniscent that there ARE rules which do apply. There's loads of good kit for sale. It's worthwhile seeking the opinion of the community. But ultimately, it's you that needs to be satisfied that what you're flying is safe. After all. You're entrusting your life to it if your a few thousand feet up.

Carry on asking questions. I'm still new to this but it's a great community and when you get aloft I can guarantee the smile on your face will be a picture.



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Hi bernoulli,

To answer some of your questions.....

1) Your kit should fit in an estate car no problem even in a standard 4 door (though you may have to break it down further)

2)You have more chance of having a complete course in the one hit in spain but it is by no means guaranteed. Weather will be weather...

3) you can fly legally in the uk now with no training at all there is no such thing as compulsory training in the uk there isn't even a licence only a rating from one of the organisations providing training.

4) My advice would be to spend the money on the wing as if it stops working you fall out the sky. The paramotor its self isn't as important if it stops working you just glide to the nearest safe place to land.

5) You aviation experience will help with navigation, air law, and weather conditions though they require tweeking to relate to paramotors and their performance limits. They are of no use at all in flying the thing its a totally different beast.

Hope they are of some help.

Cheers Col..

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It would be worth you contacting Steve Griffiths at http://www.mwpgc.co.uk/index.php as a great starting point for your nearest BHPA registered school.

Spain would be your best option with a much greater chance of completing a straight through course, and you won't get a more experienced instructor than Dean Eldridge : http://www.paraviation.com/course#Beginner or Kester Haynes, who also works with Alex Ledger at http://www.skyschooluk.com/

Seems to be a lot of 'QFI's on this forum who have either absconded from the RAF or are just making up an imaginary qualification ? :lol:

After your training just contact Slapper or any of the North Wales pilots as you will pick up more experience flying with others than trying to go it alone. I'm sure your previous aviation experience will have made you aware of the midweek activity from Valley in your area ........ :wink:

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Paul Mahoney who is in Southern France near Gap would be worth contacting. I believe that he is BHPA registered. Just do a search on 'Mahoney Aviation'. They reckon that they have the highest number of flyable days in France in that area. It's also a nice part of the world.

I did some 'top up' training with him and was very happy with it.

Good luck,


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Sincere thanks - I was hoping for a solid response, since the rest of the web site seemed so well organised and was one of the few which immediately allowed you in as a newbie.

I tried to join the N Wales web site but it said you have to be a member of BHPA first and this meant paying for something I know very little about.

Interesting point re the importance of the parawing Vs motor. Hoisted on board, thanks.

It seems that generally then, Spain it probably is. I could use it as the last excuse to drive down in my M3 before selling it for an estate car!!!

I work at Valley, teaching SAR pilots, and plan to launch and recover well inside their MATZ (in discussions with station ops as we speak). I might even be able to fly to and from work - how's that for one up manship on the Hawk pilots!!!!

Slapper PM inbound. Anyone who wants to pop in when up this way - PM me! I live next to the beach, so a great landing strip :D

Anglesey is designed for ParaMotor's.......................

More Q's coming and thanks again.

[simon, once I have a better feel for the sport and the various forum's etc, I will almost certainly join properly and pay for the benefits].

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Next load of questions (I feel like an imposter. I've answered so many 'silly' questions in the past about helos and now I am in the other seat!!):

Expert / experienced to answer please: Best starter/intermediate MOTOR. (Forget flat top!).

Expert / experienced to answer: best starter/intermediate wing (prefer reflex).

Independent answer: Best web site for beginners:

Independent answer: Best paramotor school (UK) and (Spain):

Expert: best to buy new or used: wing/motor?

Expert: best harness available please?

Anyone: Do I need specific insurance? If yes, to cover what aspects (3rd party/public liability etc etc).

Expert: How often and where is kit serviced?

anyone: how long (if any) is warranty on engine/wing?


I'm off now to ferret around for more Q's........................................

Anyone from N Wales (Anglesey) / Cheshire(chester) areas???


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Next load of questions (I feel like an imposter. I've answered so many 'silly' questions in the past about helos and now I am in the other seat!!):

Expert / experienced to answer please: Best starter/intermediate MOTOR. (Forget flat top!).

Expert / experienced to answer: best starter/intermediate wing (prefer reflex).

Independent answer: Best web site for beginners:

Independent answer: Best paramotor school (UK) and (Spain):

Expert: best to buy new or used: wing/motor?

Expert: best harness available please?

Anyone: Do I need specific insurance? If yes, to cover what aspects (3rd party/public liability etc etc).

Expert: How often and where is kit serviced?

anyone: how long (if any) is warranty on engine/wing?


I'm off now to ferret around for more Q's........................................

Anyone from N Wales (Anglesey) / Cheshire(chester) areas???


Evening chap.

Motor is a personal preference. Depends on whether 2 or 4 stroke float your boat. Then there's the transportability.

Have a look at Parajet, bailey and bulldog. All British made so no major gripes with warranty (which tends to be 1 or 2 years).

Wing? Depends on weight but Paramania Revo 2 is what I'm using and I'm more than happy with it.

Website? This one and the yahoo groups is good. There's loads of others that are hit n miss.

School. I guess it depends on travel time. I've no idea n Spanish schools.

Wing I bought new. Motor I'm looking at 2nd hand ciz I'm interested in price. But that's just a personal point of view. Budget 7k for everything new.

Harness tends to come with the motor but the new Parajet one looks good and folks have given some good feedback on it.

Insurance. None legally required. It's a touchy subject and there's some changes afoot. BHPA do their own. I'm on the search for some myself.

Servicing intervals? Rule of thumb is if it goes wrong fix it there n then.

Hope this helps.


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Wing and motor questions are impossible to answer as they are only subjective opinions. There is no single "best" combination to suit everyone - same as there is no "best" make of car to suit every purpose .... If you do some basic training first then look at the options you will have a better idea of what will best meet your requirements.

All motors are slightly different in terms of weight, power, fuel economy, noise, comfort, handling and looks. Wings you can probably narrow down to Paramania or Dudek, plus a few others. Your size, weight, physical fitness etc are all points to consider in the selection process.

If you train in Spain you might get a better deal on wing / motor - especially from some of the good Spanish makes like PXP, PAP and Kobra. The saving may even cover most of the training costs.

The 3 schools listed previously are probably the best abroad. This being a PMC forum there are plenty of club instructors to choose from, unless you plan to do any free flying in future (well worth it IMO) in which case you may be better going the BHPA route.

There are some excellent used wings and motors available ... and a few horror stories on ebay for the unwary - so don't rush in until you know a bit more.

3rd party insurance is not compulsory except for certain organised events, but highly recommended in all cases. Included with BHPA membership but available elsewhere if you train along a different route. (Joint Aviation Services provide cover).

Wings should generally be serviced after a couple of years (100 - 200 hours flying) depending on usage or other factors - costs around £80

Motors each have their own service schedule - anything from 20 - 50 hours for small items such as plugs, belts and rubber mounts, to 200 hours or more for piston rings and other parts. Regular and often is best ....

Warranties range from 1 - 3 years depending on manufacturer of motor / wing .... but tend to exclude wear & tear or accidental damage.

Should all be worth it - Anglesey and N Wales is a fantastic area to fly ! 8)

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I think that you are wrong about a new wing and a second hand motor, although I thought the same when I was in your position. You will outgrow your wing before you outgrow your motor. When you first start you will probably want a nice sensible, stable wing. As you progress you may decide to upgrade to a more sporty wing.

Either way, I would wait until you have completed your training before you purchase anything. You will make a much more knowledgeable purchase. And beware of the student/instructor relationship if you end up buying from the school with which you train.

Good luck,


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Would like advice on Airways school, Ashbourne please? PM me if you would prefer to keep your comments private! The reason for me asking about them in particular (apart from the professional web site and Instructor list) is that I can stay very close by, IF I do a beginners course with them.

Other than these guys, I would appreciate a recommend in the NW and/or Spain please?

Many thanks in advance.

The same sort of Q goes for paramotors themselves - too much choice! It might be easier to list those NOT recommended. Again happy for a PM.

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Airways have top instructors and a very professional set-up. Make sure you come along to their demo weekend 24-25 March where you will see loads of kit - hopefully in action if weather gods are kind - and many of your questions will probably find answers there.

Sent you a PM of where we are flying tomorrow. Short notice I know, but you could probably meet Paul Kilburn, one of the NW instructors.

You won't go wrong with Deano or the other UK school's abroad, so really it is just what is more convenient to you.

The motor still depends on your stats and requirements - same as a car, there is no single best choice for everyone - but I know of a couple of good paramotors that will be up for sale soon ....

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