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Spam Buster...


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I have sussed out what I think will be a great way to stop the type of e-mail below....

"Happy New Year,

How are you and family? I hope you are all fine.

I am Johnson Richard. I contacted you to be my project partner for a business investment I want to establish in your country. I want you to stand as my late father's foreign manager and liaise on my behalf to the Chartered Bank for the transfer of US$7.2 million into your account for investment in your country. My late father also deposited some kilos of Gold here for safekeeping before his assassination.

I decided to contact you because I have lost the contacts of my late father's partner in your country who convinced him of good investment and security in your country. I want the fund to be invested in your country or anywhere safe enough outside Africa for security and political reasons.

I will greatly valued your guidance and help in the investment of the fund because I do not know much about investment. I cannot handle investment now because I still want to further my education when I come to your country. Then I cam bring justice to those who killed my family.

We can invest the fund in: (1). Real Estate, (2). Five star hotel (3). Construction Company. Or any more profitable business that you think will be better. I have decided to give you 25% of the fund for your help. Also you have to know that you will manage the investment at least for the first ten years while I further my education in your country.

Also I want you to give me your full name, your address and phone contacts.

My warmest regards to your family.

Thanks and God bless.


Johnson "

I have decide for once to reply with a message saying, " happy to help!" and will send the reply here...

I think that if everyone replied with a detailed reply... instead of deleting messages... this would create an admin nightmare for the Spammers who would quickly remove you from there list.

It has to be worth a go....

I will let you know with one of my many e-mail and IP addresses. LOL


Enter Slim who's company work on this sort of stuff to make money, for banks and stuff.

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George Agdgdgwngo

George is the African scamster who'll try to get hold of your bank details using a variety of stupid stories to lure you into giving him access to your cash.

As the representative of Money Removal PLC, he needs to transfer your money from your current vault whilst it's being steam cleaned, otherwise it'll get wet.

Or maybe the entire bank vault is being redecorated and refurbished with a Christmas theme? The interior decorators of Bank Festive Redistribution PLC need to get access to your account number and sort code so they can festivise your vault with some tinsel and a tree, and George can facilitate this.

George is also responsible for many international competitions which you have won, that accumulates all the 1ps and 2ps people forget about into a monies pot worth over £80! Just let him know your details and he'll wire over your winnings immediately!

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These 419 scams keep rolling and rolling, dont they!

If you have ten minutes or so, the link below is to the log of one operation that somewhat turned the tables on one such scammer and involved him/them in not inconsiderable expense and emb*ggerance:


However, unless you have a whole load of time to waste it is not usually a good move to respond in any way as the only thing that really does is to confirm to the spammers that the targetted address is in fact an active email account which will then feature on the 'qualified' lists that spamming fraudsters sell to each other! (Unless of course you know how to spoof source addresses in which case a nice touch is to send your abusive reply with a spoofed address of the policeman of your choice).

For an amusing spoof on the scamming phenomenon, try http://www.tiscali.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=138811 which deals with the sad case of a Mr A Darling of Westminster who tragically not only risked having his own identity stolen but also sadly lost the identities of 25 million other people.....

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I have taken to replying, of late, to a few of these scammers. Mostly I get Nigerian or Congalese ousted royal family offspring with large fortunes that need to be smuggled out of the country. I reply as Lord Francis of Whitley 9th Duke of Somerset, and offer my sincerest condolences, asking what I can do to help. I have even got as far as sending my private plane to Lagos to fly out the loot, sending my man Parker to rendezvous with their representative in the departure lounge before the correspondence suddenly stops.

I might offer to marry one, if it helps?

You have to admire their gullibility, its rather sweet.

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