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how many flyable days are there ?

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It depends how committed you are, if you can get up at sunrise (4am)you can fly more than waiting for a nice flying afternoon to land in your lap!

I always have my kit in my van checked, fueled and ready to fly, and four flying buddies all gagging to fly all keeping each other on our toes when the weather is looking good

I reckon we average about 2-3 times a month in essex,

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hi all

what would you say the avarage amount of flyable days in east anglia there are in a year



it also depends on how experienced you are and what sort of flying conditions you are prepared to put up with, to some a bumpy flight is a bit of a inconvenience, to others its a nightmare.

this sport is about compromise, you may be able to get plenty of airtime in throughout the year but it may not be on your terms.

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thanks guys

i just remember trying to learn paragliding up north and getting very frustrated in driving 3 odd hours just to sit on top of a hill so it took me an age to get to EP standerd

i am in the procces of selling of a load of gear to get raise funds for a secound hand self build set up and dident want to payout what for me is a lot of money just to spend a frustrateing amount of time tring to learn

as i will only be able to pay for training on a day to day basis as i cant lay all the cash out in one go mind you it will help that i have a m8 who is a paraglider pilot who is willing to do ground handling with me



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