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Was it you ????????????


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I read this tonight on the BMAA forum:-

I say this works only just, because many part taught foot launchers don't bother to fly with charts and don't understand air law properly. For example we had two paramotors drifting in and out of Sywell ATZ on the live side conflicting with downwind traffic for a hour this weekend, obviously oblivious to the ATZ or the rules for entry.

If you are membera of the paramotorclub.org and you are reading this please get to know where you are flying, we all share the same airspace and if we upset local airfield operators, it will us who come of worse, the people a Sywell are very friendly but not if you bust thier circuit.


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I wasnt there that day but I know who was. The microlight pilot landed at Pitsford that day and had a chat with the paramotorists re airspace. From the way he came across I think I might have knocked him out had I have been there (or at least been perturbed somewhat!).

As Sywell is on our doorstep we naturally are well aware of its airspace limits. This microlight pilot may have assumed it was us if indeed somone did stray but I think that it is most likely that he was one of those types that like people to know that he has had formal training and everything else that goes with that type of aircraft, and that paramotorists are an unruly, ebay-buying aerial menace.


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Hi Nigel

This wasn't a finger pointing exercise it was just a heads up in case someone local wasn't aware how close they had gone to Sywell.

Paul Dewhurst is a very fair guy and I'm sure if he had spoken to them it would have been in a pleasant tone.

I wonder who the pllot was how thought to land and have a go????


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Hi Dave,

All of the regular paramotorist who use Pitsford all carry gps and we always point out Sywells airspace . There was quite a strong westerly on saturday which may have made someone drift too close but we'll keep an eye on it.

2.5 miles doesn't look far when up there but wouldn't be a bad idea to give a wider berth just in case.

Anyway isn't it time you got your arse up here and got airbourne?

Your kit (and you) must be going rusty by now.


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