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Sunday 31st.


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If Sunday pans out as forecast How about a Brighton to Beachy head run with a takeoff from the beach below Newhaven fort. With a light southerly the takeoff is easy and the views are great I did the trip a couple of time at the end of the summer. Fly one way come back land then refuel and fly the other way. There is a lot of mixed weather between the and now but if possible I recommend the route.

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I would be up for it if the weather stays good - the forecast on Weather Pro indicates rain though...

I'd probably have to combine it with a day out for the family though - I am sure that they could find something to do to amuse themselves for an hour or so while I fly, walk the dog maybe!

Obviously weather dependent but what sort of time do you think that you will go for?

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possibly I spoke too soon - turns out the chick made plans for Sunday, but I am hoping they do not really really need me there.

Prop - well I have filled the tips, I dont think its as bad as I first thought, guess I need to get in the air to see - although after seeing Seymore rebuild what was clearly a splinter job I am sure mine is fine.

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Weather still 50/50 here is a pic of takeoff site I have used without any trouble. There is a bar across entrance to stop tall vehicles. There should be no charge this time of year for parking. It is a very popular paraglider site, but they should give us no trouble though there have been numerous complaints with paragliders and more recently paramotors flying low along the cliffs to Brighton with a lot of houses built right up to the edge and near brighton a road alongside the edge of the cliff


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I know that Seymore has said it is an easy launch, and I expect if there is a light Southerly then the inflation and launch should indeed be easy, but the climb out is potentially quite tricky, If you fly straight you will soon be over the sea, so you must turn and fly over the shingle beach until you get enough height, the shingle beach is quite small so you may have to turn 180 degrees and fly along it again until you have height, trying not to go over the sea or get too near the cliffs which may have paragliders soaring on it. At the same time watching out for paraglider pilots landing, other pilots launching from the beach and members of the public.

Not easy for inexperienced pilots or for anyone flying with low power machines.


Please remember the 500ft rule when flying along the cliffs, in places where the houses are close to the cliff edge or where people are walking, you can fly high above the cliffs with engine on, or soar with engine off.

Paul D

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Looking at the rasp table the weather is looking SE and around 20 knotts for the morning and then moving around to the east then to the northeast but dropping all day.... so i plan to hit the beach in the morning!!!!!. But will be up for a fly in the afternoon if the wind drops.

Rob/seymore fancy hitting the beach as the wave's are meant to be good again! then may be a fly from your farm in the afternoon..

If any one else that kites want to come along.

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OK looks like the wind has dropped already and has gone round to the east....


...and forecast not looking too bad. How are the skies looking - likely to rain?

Anyone still thinking of trying to fly this afternoon?

With an easterly do you still need it to be low tide to take off from that site or is there room along the beach?

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