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This is a magic sport


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Heure Temp. Vent km/h Pluie Humidité Pression Temps

05:00 8 °C 5 -- -- 91 % 1016 hPa

08:00 7 °C 5 -- -- 93 % 1017 hPa

11:00 16 °C 5 -- -- 59 % 1017 hPa

14:00 18 °C 10 -- -- 48 % 1016 hPa

17:00 19 °C 10 -- -- 46 % 1016 hPa

This was the forecast for today so I thought an early one was called for. I set out at 10:20 (9:20 UK time), not that early - I do like my breakfast.

The cloud cover was 7/8ths so I was quite pleased, as I don’t like sweating in my flying suit once it’s on and I’m getting all strapped in.

I had to set the wing out twice as the wind direction changed due to the thermal activity just starting and warming the surrounding fields. I took off on a nice forward with a small number of steps compared with nil wind and headed into wind.

There were some small movements felt through the harness as I climbed up to 1200 feet to get above the thermal activity but boy did the air feel cool, but smooooth.

I flew off down wind and took a small detour over a couple of farms I had not flown over before. It was now I was thinking this is such a great pastime/sport, I feel privileged to be able to enjoy the viewpoint that the birds have.

I continued onto my intended turnpoint over Belabre having a nose at some of the larger properties and noticing how many have outdoor swimming pools. I had a faster flight back; now going downwind but still really enjoying the experience of flight.

Now approaching the field I started to descend and thought I would feel a few bumps, as it was later in the morning, but I was surprised at how lumpy it felt. I kept the wing on fast trim until almost down, going to slow just before touchdown as there wasn’t a lot of breeze at ground level. It was the bumpiest descent I have experienced but enjoyable all the same.

Flight duration 52 minutes,

Maximum height 1300 feet,

Fuel burn just under 3 litres;- MAGIC.



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