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Leicestershire Branch


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About an hour after the East mids club went live here, I had a call from a guy who is going to join up on the forum :D Has been looking for someone to get some air time with in time to get on the Italy trip.

Watch this space!!! you could end up with quite a bunch..... :D:D:D (makes for a better reception on the Tip 2 Tip flight) :D


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I was that guy talking to Simon a short while ago. Very interested in joining you as I live in Loughborough and don't know anyone else around here that flys or has fields to fly from! Thanks to this site, that looks about to change. So how do I go about meeting up/ joining etc? I have a ParAAvis wing( not jet black) and a Vittorazi Easy 100 motor. Look forward to hearing from you.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Stealth flyer. Not long now till the birth of the Black Hawks, We'll rise from the ashes of a burning paramotor somewhere in deepest liecestershire. I've heard that Hawks live in tree, but I'm not doing that one.

see you soon, when are you picking your motor up. I think I will be going some time the last week in Jan

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hi Simon. I'm planning on spending at least two days in the area, Possibly doing some free flying nearby, as i understand that there is a nice ridge a Mere, I just need to try and find some more info.

Possibly stopping at Weymouth.

I'll pm you when I have some dates. It will be nice to meet you again

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