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Cloud Surfing Saturday 27th

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Morgy and I decided to touch the clouds

If someone could embed this youtube vid for me much appreciated


edit: duplicate embedding so deleted.

Great flight :)

I'll have to do this one day. How long did the climb take you?



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Hi Rob,

I don't want to be a wan*er but either my airlaw needs some revision or you've just posted a video demonstrating a violation of VMC minima.

Your video claims cloudbase was at 4000ft. VMC minima for flight conducted in class F or G below FL 100 (but above 3000ft) are:

- 5km flight visibility

- 1500 m horizontally from cloud

- 1000ft vertically from cloud.

If I've got that wrong please correct me but if I'm right you may want to edit your video a wee bit.

Looked like great fun though.



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Hi Thanks for posting the vid rob shame there wasnt any footage of us going in to the little cloud valley :lol:

Awsome flight and that was only my second flight!!! :) was worth all the hard work. All that up hill running and switching wind direction :cry:

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Morgy and I decided to touch the clouds

If someone could embed this youtube vid for me much appreciated


edit: duplicate embedding so deleted.

Great flight :)

I'll have to do this one day. How long did the climb take you?



The whole flight was around an hour but i was playing with two sail planes thermaling up a few hundred feet untill they shot off to there next climb. I would have stayed up for alot longer but i was seeing how much fuel i burnt in an hour + i had to change my oil after the first hour's flight time????

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Hi Rob,

I don't want to be a wanker but either my airlaw needs some revision or you've just posted a video demonstrating a violation of VMC minima.

Your video claims cloudbase was at 4000ft. VMC minima for flight conducted in class F or G below FL 100 (but above 3000ft) are:

- 5km flight visibility

- 1500 m horizontally from cloud

- 1000ft vertically from cloud.

If I've got that wrong please correct me but if I'm right you may want to edit your video a wee bit.

Looked like great fun though.




I am not up on my air law but i am sure some one will spell it out for us. V32NB??? But i agree with on your first but not the rest as gliders always fly up to cloud base before they leave for the next climb AND they fly over cloud if they can get in wave. :) I was told by my gliding instructor dont fly into cloud!!!! but he got me to fly right into cloud after leaving the winch :?:

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Hi Rob,

I don't want to be a wanker but either my airlaw needs some revision or you've just posted a video demonstrating a violation of VMC minima.

Your video claims cloudbase was at 4000ft. VMC minima for flight conducted in class F or G below FL 100 (but above 3000ft) are:

- 5km flight visibility

- 1500 m horizontally from cloud

- 1000ft vertically from cloud.

If I've got that wrong please correct me but if I'm right you may want to edit your video a wee bit.

Looked like great fun though.



Hi Dean.

I Think you failed ref your first statement!!! :wink:

You are correct ref VMC

http://www.wessexhgpg.org.uk/Info/Pilot ... Pilot2.pdf (page 8 has a nice diagram)

However on looking at the video there are some parts of the flight where the pilots are close to some of the the thin whispy cloud but not obviously within 1k ft vertically of the main cumulus. On one shot you see a paramotor lower down in the distance that may appear to be within 1kft but impossible to tell.

Come on Dean, chill out mate. :D

Great video guys. Havn't done any myself but want to try it. Music was good too. Well done.


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I am not up on my air law but i am sure some one will spell it out for us. V32NB??? But i agree with on your first but not the rest as gliders always fly up to cloud base before they leave for the next climb AND they fly over cloud if they can get in wave. :) I was told by my gliding instructor dont fly into cloud!!!! but he got me to fly right into cloud after leaving the winch :?:

Hi Morgy,

I certainly think some clarification of the rules would be good. Yes, it is my understanding that "cloud flying" is allowed but I thought this only applied to unpowered sailplanes. I know we are technically classed as gliders but I've always accepted that foot launchers like us fly under a specific ANO exemption (http://www.paramotorsuk.co.uk/pdf/exemption.pdf) which lays out cloud clearance requirements very clearly.

If anyone knows with any certainty whether foot launchers have the same exemption as unpowered sailplaines I'd be keen to know. I'll ask on some other forums as well.


Dean B.

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I am not up on my air law but i am sure some one will spell it out for us. V32NB??? But i agree with on your first but not the rest as gliders always fly up to cloud base before they leave for the next climb AND they fly over cloud if they can get in wave. :) I was told by my gliding instructor dont fly into cloud!!!! but he got me to fly right into cloud after leaving the winch :?:

Hi Morgy,

I certainly think some clarification of the rules would be good. Yes, it is my understanding that "cloud flying" is allowed but I thought this only applied to unpowered sailplanes. I know we are technically classed as gliders but I've always accepted that foot launchers like us fly under a specific ANO exemption (http://www.paramotorsuk.co.uk/pdf/exemption.pdf) which lays out cloud clearance requirements very clearly.

If anyone knows with any certainty whether foot launchers have the same exemption as unpowered sailplaines I'd be keen to know. I'll ask on some other forums as well.


Dean B.

Hi dean

As i have said i am not up on my air law. I have spoken to simon w about ppg2 as i want to clear things like this up

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great vid,

noticed the atc video cam... how have you mounted it to the helmet bud? have you screwed it? or stuck it?


It is indeed he ATC camera and to be honest I find it a bit rubbish but it is worth turning on just to see what it captures. I use the supplied rubber straps and have threaded it through the air vents on my helmet.

The other footage is from a point and shoot on movie mode held on a little mono pod. Nothing special but it did capture the day quite well

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Yeah Morgy it was a bloody good flight and top fun.

I had attempted to film most of you but it became apparent the footage of you looked to far away, although reality is I was close enough to see you to waving.

Was pretty immense getting up to cloud base and watching you dive in and around that cloud, you looked so tiny in comparison to the walls of cloud that surrounded you.

And of course Simon you were right about cruising along the top of a cloud and suddenly watch it vanish from under your feet and nothing but 1000's of feet to the green below.

Cant wait for next weekend for some more fun

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VFR Minima are not one of the areas where gliders are exempted as far as I know. We can all fly above cloud, providing we maintain minimum distances and have sight of the surface. It's only the last bit that can be ambiguous, because the documentation doesn't say whether or not the sight of the surface must be straight down, or can be slant.

Really not trying to p**s on anyones' fireworks, just it's always nice to know IF we are breaking rules, and make an informed choice. That way, if we get screwed by the CAA we only have ourselves to blame, and our mates to contend with in the event of legislation being brought in.

It's interesting to note the different attitudes towards different kinds of 'illegal' activity. The guy who flew a bit low close to a road was pilloried, but flying in proximity to cloud (which can be a major safety issue if an aircraft flying IFR suddenly pops out of it) seems to be acceptable.

I think a bit more knowledge on air law by an awful lot of paramotor fliers (I hesitate to use the word pilot if they aren't up to speed) would not go amiss.

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I LOVE flying over the cloud! it's the best feeling that exists!


I would have to say if the PMC instructor fly's above clouds and said we should do it then i dont think it would be illegal if it is then is the pmc encouraging new pilots to bareak the law

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I am sorry, I will stick my hand up and say that I should have explained the ins and outs of VMC Before you flew, as BHPA paraglider pilots I assumed that you were already aware of the rules of VMC.

I also thought (from the ground) that the base was lower than 3,000ft so need to work on my cloud base height guessing.

So, I am very sorry and will ensure that pilots are fully briefed on the rules before flights like this one.

YOU CAN FLY OVER THE CLOUDS, but must maintain VMC. Flying over the clouds is amazing, do it but know the rules.


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COOL This is why i think the PMC should hold a ppg2 or some type of event where we can all iron out these rules and sort out our nav skills.

People learn in differnet ways some learn from reading some learn from doing I for one am the latter i have read some info but it just dont sink in LOL to much IFR VFR VMC BLA BLA BLA

I always thought as lambourne flight level is 6500ft and gliders were allowed to fly to base then we were alowed to fly up to the cloud base. not saying we were allowed to go above but base was well over 4000ft poss 4500ft my vario was showing around 4900ft while flying around the cloud.

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