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Anyone up for it.


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Hi All,

I have now done 5 hours of flying and ten or so flights from Southport and looking to expand my horizons. Looking to connect up with ArcusFlyer Hammertime Meds Nirmal etc and perhaps get some more local airtime.

Still a little more likely to fall over rather than take to the air but now very willing to give it a go.

When and where? Soon Please??

All suggestions gratefully received. (Impolite ones will be happily ignored...)



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Well I am keen to meet up but my field is not the best at the moment due to the long grass. It's only another month or so and there should be some stubble fields available.

Are you available late afternoons and evenings during the week? My weekends are full for the next month unfortunately.

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Hi Flyingdoc,

I am in the process of negotiating the use of an old airfield for paramotoring. The initial reaction from the owner's son has been very favorable, but I will have to see if owners reaction is the same when I actually start flying from there. The only downside is that it won't be available for use in the weekends because of regular car-boot sales but any time mid week including mornings and evenings should be okay. I will broach the subject of groups turning up if things go well.

I have been doing most of my flying in the south so far because both my instructor and flying buddy live in Abergavenny. We fly cross country and our instructor retrieves us. We are trying to hone our navigational skills enough to pass the pilot rating. Work patterns and weather conspire to keep me from flying as often as I would like to. I have met Meds once. He is a really nice guy. I am looking forward to meeting you, Hammertime and ArcusFlyer.

I think we should all band together and form a Cheshire and North Wales paramotoring club and register it with the BHPA. It would be easier negotiating with land owners as an official recognised body rather than as individuals. We could try to get fields in various places across the whole geographical area and perhaps get a couple of people to go for club coach training etc so that new pilots would get support outside school.

I'll send an email off to the North Wales and Cheshire hang and paragliding culb and ask them if they already have or are happy to have a paramotoring section. If they will not have us, perhaps we should all join together and do something about it. I'll post up what they reply. If everyone thinks that this is doable, please chip in with ideas on how best to proceed.

Hope to see you sometime soon.



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Hi Nirmal,

That sounds like a great idea. In fact Meds and I have discussed the possibility of forming a club a little like the Lemmings or some such. I even went and got a Domain name that might do.

How do you fancy joining the "Freedom Flyers" or something similar. Certainly it will be easier to negotiate with landowners from an official club.

Lets all in the Cheshire section get our heads together and see what we can produce.

We can do it! :D:D:D


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I think 'official recognition' (BHPA registration) is crucial if we want to be taken seriously. I don't think either the North Wales club or the BHPA would be happy if we wanted to be seperate in the event of them welcoming us with open arms. I have only just sent off this email to the secretary of the NWHGPC:

Dear Sir,

I would like to enquire whether you accept paramotor pilots as members of the NWHGPC currently, or have plans to do so any time soon. There are a significant number of BHPA registered and certified paramotor pilots in Cheshire and North Wales including myself who are keen to fly in a club environment with similar support, development and social opportunities which paraglider and hang glider pilots enjoy. We would very much prefer joining fellow foot flyers in a common club rather than starting up a separate organization, if you will accept us as members. We do realise that we will need to keep away from hill soaring sites and sensitive areas, but it wouldn't be too difficult to get paramotor sites and local rules organised. If you accept us, you will find us actively contributing towards the success of the club. Thank you.

If they are happy to have us, it might be easier to sign up and get things organised through the club. If they wont have us, we could go to the BHPA and ask to be a registered club in our own right.

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I didn't know there was a wales and cheshire paragliding club. Is that the same as www.nwhgpc.org.uk.

All sounds good to me. Looking forward to meeting up and flying with people although unfortunately I currently have nothing to contribute on the field front (I think Lymm where I live is in airspace). Nirmal that possible field you mentioned sounds good for mid week stuff if it comes off.

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The Flying Cosmetic Doctor,

I am not a surgeon but a specialist in the non-surgical techniques, however some of the stuff I do such as VASER Lipo is in cross-over country.

Good fun though and plenty of happy patients.

Helps pay for the flying at least.



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I think 'official recognition' (BHPA registration) is crucial if we want to be taken seriously. I don't think either the North Wales club or the BHPA would be happy if we wanted to be seperate in the event of them welcoming us with open arms. I have only just sent off this email to the secretary of the NWHGPC:

Dear Sir,

I would like to enquire whether you accept paramotor pilots as members of the NWHGPC currently, or have plans to do so any time soon. There are a significant number of BHPA registered and certified paramotor pilots in Cheshire and North Wales including myself who are keen to fly in a club environment with similar support, development and social opportunities which paraglider and hang glider pilots enjoy. We would very much prefer joining fellow foot flyers in a common club rather than starting up a separate organization, if you will accept us as members. We do realise that we will need to keep away from hill soaring sites and sensitive areas, but it wouldn't be too difficult to get paramotor sites and local rules organised. If you accept us, you will find us actively contributing towards the success of the club. Thank you.

If they are happy to have us, it might be easier to sign up and get things organised through the club. If they wont have us, we could go to the BHPA and ask to be a registered club in our own right.

BHPA club =BHPA qualified pilots only.

Pete b

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Do clubs have anything to do with the BHPA at grass root level? If non BHPA pilots had their own insurance, would there be any reason for the BHPA to object to them being part of a club? We could try getting in touch with the 'Yorkshire Owls or Lemmings and see how they went about sorting this issue.

Alternatively, there is a scheme for experienced non-BHPA pilots to get BHPA endorsement after a one day assessment by a BHPA certified instructor and a short MCQ test on air laws etc. If anyone is interested in this, I can put you in touch with a chap who would be happy to do this. If there are enough people around, we could try to get him up here to to assess people on their home turf. I understand some people want to have nothing to do with the BHPA, but others might benefit from this scheme.

People tend to take things more seriously if you show them some sort of licence (even if it isn't worth the card it is printed on) and insurance. It projects a sense of responsibility which will aid negotiations with land owners and the public. Fortunately or unfortunately, the BHPA has become widely accepted as the regulating body.

If there are there any other ideas for sorting out this issue, please post.

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Its on my list of things to do (the BHPA endorsement thing). I'm half and half at the moment. For hill flying I am a BHPA club pilot member and so get my insurance through them. For motoring I have no BHPA endorsement and a 3rd party liability insurance policy with a different provider so it makes sense to get the BHPA endorsement and do it all with them.

I actually learned paragliding with a non BHPA school so got Northern Paragliding (sunsoar) to sign me off onto the BHPA system (had to sit the exam too) when on a flying hol with them in Morocco.

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Ref Land owners and insurance.

For the record.

I have 2 million of cover to run a club from a field and also have a 'licence' not worth the paper its written on.

I am currently talking to three land owners who could not care less who I was a member of.

I actually think that it's the way you approach them more than any other factor.


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That is a fair comment, but on the other hand I have met some people who are deeply suspicious of what we do. When approaching a complete stranger, some token of what appears to be legitamacy might be helpful in softening their stance.

Anyway, if we have a significant number of potential members who don't want to be associated with the BHPA, we will have to look into alternative arrangements.

A question for Simon; does a club that does not train members have to have insurance or is individual insurance taken out by members sufficient?

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Ref Land owners and insurance.

For the record.

I have 2 million of cover to run a club from a field and also have a 'licence' not worth the paper its written on.

I am currently talking to three land owners who could not care less who I was a member of.

I actually think that it's the way you approach them more than any other factor.


i agree!, as most fields are owned by farmers, you have to talk in the universal language.... "sterling" :lol:

we pay our farmer in staffordshire 5 quid each time we fly, which can mount up, but we have 3 fields on a rotation to use, one of which is normally quite well mowed.

good luck... and as im half way between my current field and cheshire side, id be well up for meeting you guys some time.

early evenings and daytimes are great for me

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Nice to see we have generated some good discussion about this. I agree with Simon that permission is more about approach than any specific bits of paper but I remain happy to negotiate with BHPA if they are interested. I have never shied away from exams, not possible if you want to be a Doctor.

Certainly I would like to help set up a local club like the Lemmings or Owls, and I am happy to be associated with the BHPA if that helps. Equally happy to get on with it ourselves if they are not interested.

It seems we now have a quorum. Lets get it set up. Freedom Flyers take to the skies!

Its about having fun after all.



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Nice to see we have generated some good discussion about this. I agree with Simon that permission is more about approach than any specific bits of paper but I remain happy to negotiate with BHPA if they are interested. I have never shied away from exams, not possible if you want to be a Doctor.

Certainly I would like to help set up a local club like the Lemmings or Owls, and I am happy to be associated with the BHPA if that helps. Equally happy to get on with it ourselves if they are not interested.

It seems we now have a quorum. Lets get it set up. Freedom Flyers take to the skies!

Its about having fun after all.



My personal opinion is that you would probably be better off generating your own club rather than joining a free flying club.

PPG's don't really have much in common other than the canopy. We can't fly the sites so have to have our own sites/fields. By and large, freeflyers aren't really interested in PPG and those that are just go out and do it anyway. A small number of pilots in my free flying club (Thames Valley Hang Gliding Club) also fly PPG but they do this in and around their own location. There is no reason to travel as long as you can negotiate your own local launch sites.

The TVHGC does not have a PPG arm and in all honesty I don't think there would be much benefit if there was!

Freeflyers often don't understand the needs of PPG pilots and so sometimes struggle to accomodate them at fly-ins/events etc.

The only benefit I can see you would get would be the social side. But unless you know freeflyer speak conversations can start to get limited.

Get a few active pilots together and a couple of real go-getters and you could end up with a wicked club!

Without going too mad with beaurocracy (it is about the flying after all), it is worth forming a small committee within the club.

For instance if you had someone in the group who is a good negotiater and is not worried about 'cold calling', they could be assigned as 'sites officer' and could act on intelligence from other members as to potential new sites and you could build up a portfolio of sites at different locations within your clubs area.

A web guru for your website and maybe a newsletter or forum.

Someone else to act as treasurer for fund raising for those event's/fly-ins etc

You get the idea!

I'm sure Simon could steer you in the right direction.

Good luck guys hope it works out and I'll look forward to your first fly-in!


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I think that some of you are missing a point here?

We the PMC already have a Cheshire club (forum based of course) But why not just find a site and continue with the PMC as a club?

We have local flying orders (which I can create a copy of for your site) and I am also happy to help you find the field.

In short, LOOK!!!!! you already have a club :D

It just needs someome to drive it, like all these things. Flying Doc Why not take up the seat and make it happen.

The PMC has many more PPG memebrs than the BHPA and I am sure most would support a Cheshire Fly-in to launch your club.


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Sounds like it could be a load of fun. So perhaps we can start by trying to get together for a drink and a chat.

We can collate a list of local Cheshire flying sites, discuss potential ones to go ask about and start dreaming of our first Fly In.

We need to start with a list of Names. Much like Simon did with the June Fly In can we have people volunteering to join in.

Here is the list so far.


yes I know its only me you have to tell me to add you to the list???


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Add me in.

1. Flying Doc

2. Nirmal

If everyone is up for it, We could meet in person, perhaps this weekend (it looks too blown out to do any flying) and try to get some sort of plan in place. Potentially contentious issues are a lot easier to debate face to face.

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1. Flying Doc

2. Nirmal

3. ArcusFlyer

4. Meds

5. Hammertime

Meds, I'm now living round the corner from you in Cotebrook, Tarporley. Let me now if you want to go for a fly in the evening.

As for everyone else, I'm also keen to catch up for a fly, so just let me know and I'll be there.

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