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As you may know, I have been at a meeting with On Risk today. I have presented our ops manual and they are very happy indeed!

The nitty gritty has to be done, admin flow and so on...... but it is DONE!

We decided to use with On Risk for the clubs insurance as I have known them for ages, and they know the sport better than any other insurance company.

On-Risk as the insurers are prepared to recognise the validity of this new training manual and provide insurance to those people who take and pass the various courses. Albion are the security behind it.

Yip flipping eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


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Well done Si, look forward to getting down to Lambourn and having a chat in the view of signing up with On Risk.

Keeping everything crossed now for good weather next weekend.

If anybody is at the Big Fat Repack on the 22nd l will be at the landing platform as usual. Say hello as wearing of helmets plus my eyesight its difficult to recognise you all.


Mike :)

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Can you clarify how much cover will actually be provided for an instructor? Is it the same as the BHPA figure? (Quite low) I know with a fully trained instructor, the risks should be reduced- therefore the liability reduced... but some people are uncomfortable with this. Does it also included legal fees? Also is it UK mainland only- or are Northern Ireland and the Republic potentially covered?


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I can confirm that a paramotor club trained instructor would be covered for £500,000 (five hundred thousand pounds) or he/she can choose to up that to 1,000,000 (1 million)

I am not sure about your case to be honest (as far as being over the water that is), I will call first thing in the morning to ask for you chap.


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Simon- I suspect that Northern Ireland may be OK with Onrisk, but they may not cover Instructors in the Republic- would be interesting to hear your findings.

There would be an advantage/necessity if instructors could train on both sides of the border with regards to insurance.


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