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Which tandem paramotor?


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All, I am going to get set up with a tandem rig. Still very much at the deciding stage with the kit though. H e do one, as do fresh breeze and some others. Any thoughts??

S W :D

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I hadn't looked at the flat top closely simply due to blatant over promotion. Not saying who, because it was blatant and that says it all.

The mini2 cannot be questioned with it's track record, and the flat-top 200 unit looks to me like a natural evolution of the Walkerjet RR platform.

They've done some things I had considered for my own rig, like AL frame connector Lugs rather than plastic.

Redrive is the same ratio as the WJ, but they stayed with the older exhaust (which may be a good call given mine cracked @ low hours).

I suspect the helix prop is the same as WJ used to get the same thrust figures.

The other bits, like stronger finer netting, double ring cage where it's needed, fuel upgrades and even the "kung fu" grip are nice additions to what WJ had in play.

Are you considering wheels Simon?

Maybe the FB with the Rolleez balloon wheeled cable stayed trike is they way to go, same engine, polished design and no tripping over a stumbly nervous legged student.

Mini2 or f33, either way both solid engines.

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I hadn't looked at the flat top closely simply due to blatant over promotion. Not saying who, because it was blatant and that says it all..

I'm no great fan , particularly, but I'm not one to let my heart rule my head, where my own personal safety, or indeed the safety of others , is concerned. I dont fly tandem but if you do, you have a duty of care to your passenger.

The Flat-Top has set a high standard of safety features. Stiff cage, kevlar line, crumple zone. Even if few are sold, here in the UK, the other manufacturers will be led to make their equipment safer. Cant be a bad thing.


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PAP F200. PAP products are well thought out, well executed and well tested designs. They sell all the kit for the needed for tandems. There is no need to try to adapt stuff for the job. You hardly hear of PAP owners complaining about their kit.

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PAP F200. PAP products are well thought out, well executed and well tested designs. They sell all the kit for the needed for tandems. There is no need to try to adapt stuff for the job. You hardly hear of PAP owners complaining about their kit.

I would have said that had my instructor not just told me he is bringing his F200 home in bits from India where he's been for the winter, he seemed highly impressed with the Ros125 just as I and everyone else is but same can't be said for the 200 which he flew mostly as a solo.

But I'll wait and see what he says once he strips it down etc....



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They'll all fall apart Malcs. Mine broke an exhaust mounting bolt at 35 hours. 3 of my mates, that fly with me, have the Ross 125 PAP. I like their weightshift system but all three have spent money on broken prop replacements. One broke his prop on his boot heel when he fell forward. You dont need 350 mph prop shards flying around when you're on your face if you have a passenger, buy this time probably kneeling, infront of you. (Unless they're wearing a chainmail suit of armour)

Gonna switch off my crystal ball now and go for a fly


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  • 3 weeks later...

Spreader bars if there's no trike frame to use as spreaders bars:


I don't think there's any special consideration for a WJ setup over others provided the "comfort bars" don't get in the way and cause uneven loading.

Stay away from:

Bars like these

There is some noise elsewhere about Simonini coming up with a variation on the mini2 plus, but the specs are pretty much the same result as the mini3 they currently offer, so I'm not even going to share them here as I don't understand the reasoning and haven't seen them backed up anywhere. A mini 2 with larger bore and stroke @ 33hp rather than a mini3 @ 33hp?? I don't get it, but more power is better when you might have cause to use it and know how.

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i see would i not need some sort of solid bar to keep the harness from swining in to the harness on the machine? keep them a set distance apart?

simon? how will you go on with insurance with the tandem set up ??

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I have not even thought about the insurance yet, as I am wanting a tandem rig for a particular 'job' which the comapany will pay the insurance for.


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i see so the company must be getting insurance from somwere then? and do you know were from? i would assume you will know or get to know to clearly make sure you are covered? im asking because as far as i have been told there is no ratin from bhpa for tandem so i guess there will be no insurance to cover it?

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i see would i not need some sort of solid bar to keep the harness from swining in to the harness on the machine? keep them a set distance apart?

The straight bit in the pic posted is an integrated separator bar.

That's why they call them "spreader bars".

Although I did read somewhere about a child being conceived on an XC in the mountains somewhere in europe, they are designed to keep pilot and passenger apart.

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i see but not too clear not that it matters but i would assume you will be gettin some sort of verification that you are insured yes? i ask this because it is such a shady place is insurance specially for tandem/? im not sure of your tandem experience but if it is nill surelly the said people will want to know that you are capable? also would the insurance company not want need to know the same? just curious to ask if you have any tandem experience? somethin dont add up to me on this one

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I'm not sure who you're addressing that too Leoibb?

I was just flingin links and related banter as always.

I am no tandem pilot so am not insured for it, but if I were to get my rating and fly passengers (free flight), the waiver they would sign would outline each of our responsibilities to the other, including in the event of and beyond. The world is huge, and insurers widespread. All have different policies and I've not shopped for any so can't speak to any of them other than the current ones I hold. Add gas to the equation and you seldom talk to the same insurer.

As a free flier in Canada I carry public liability (and included landowner insurance) of 3M Cad as part of the national club. Under power it's a different amount under a completely different (and changing sometimes year to year) carrier. Lumped in with Recreational aviation for the latter.

Tandem free flight pilots in Canada require a rating, and motor tandems are only as "discovery" flights or student under instruction, or one consenting pilot flying another.

Ratings change too, ask again in six months... Has already changed here for Advanced Ultralights.

That is not to say that someone with a tandem wing will not fly another person simply because they can - no rating or experience.

Been done, will be done again, over and over. Not the safest approach, but it happens. Because they can. No trouble finding a passenger who could care less about a rating just to get flown. Hell, I would have done it back in the day.

I repeat: I am selling nothing and only ever plan to endanger myself. For now.

Math add up better?

Your curiousity has found me out 8)

I think as the sport grows, and people push for revenue opportunities that happen in General aviation the rules will get changed to accommodate safely those tandem pilots, everywhere.

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I am already talking to a few people about tandem training and would not simply buy the kit and fly someone on it with no knowledge of tandem rigs / flying.

I will 100% get on a course before anyone gets a lift. :D


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understand, not havin a go simon just tryin to get my head round how the insurance works, it is something i am considering in the future but was put off cos of the liability issues and i was told if i managed to get insurance then it really wouldnt be worth anything, so altho they are direct questions i am asking for my self to gain the understanding of tandem paramotors and insurance. but clearly if some film company is sending there camera man up then, they must have some serious genuine insurance, or they really dont like the camera man lol. keep me updated on the insurance situation lol

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Will do,

I will call my TV contact when I get back and find out who they are going to use for the insurance / how they are going to get around it.


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