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Paramotoring in Essex

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Hello and welcome to the madness... I mean forum, as togsie has mentioned the lemmings are based over in braintree, there is also a bunch of chaps who fly under the braintree paramotor club banner, their site is run by a guy called Simon ward, they fly from a site adjacent to the A120 near freeport, when I first started out I went over to see them, they are a good bunch of blokes who gave me loads of usefull info, the site address is http://www.braintreeparamotoring.co.uk/ you can find Simons number on there, once the weather improves I will be looking to do a bit of flying with them myself, as Frazer mentioned we are sometimes over at westmill just west of Ware, you are more than welcome to pop over for a chat, good luck fellas.


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Hi guys,,

Thanks for all the information. I have the use of farmland to the east of Burnham on Crouch, in fact my dad has an airstrip there. I need to look in to using the site to fly from(jumping ahead and running before i can walk!) the only issue will be with not upsetting southend airport but as long as i clear to the noth or around burnham to the east i dont think it will be a problem. I have had an email from siman ward so will keep in touch and go from there. so i guess i will wait for the sun to come out a little more and start bugging you all. in the meantime if anyone does go for a fly then please give me a call and i will do my best to come and say hi. thanks again.


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Hi David, would your dad be welcoming to a paramotor flying from his land?

been looking for somewhere to get some airtime in ASAP.

according to local air chart you have at least 4500 ft to play with :D

only local restriction is over bradwell power station to the north.

Cheers, Dave.

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Hi Dave,

I will have a word with my dad and check with the farmer whose land it is on. He has just sold his rockwell comander and is looking for a smaller on so he wont be using it for a while.

You can see the strip on google earth. its east of burnham on the north shore of the crouch. you will see a resevour inland from the sea wall, his strip runs north south to the right of that on the edge of the field(green strip)

Im hoping that is where i will eventually fly from, although im friends with the farmer who has all the land from burnham to bradwell, so im sure there is plenty of room to play.

Will keep you informed.



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  • 8 years later...
On 24/02/2009 at 19:24, outkast said:

Hello and welcome to the madness... I mean forum, as togsie has mentioned the lemmings are based over in braintree, there is also a bunch of chaps who fly under the braintree paramotor club banner, their site is run by a guy called Simon ward, they fly from a site adjacent to the A120 near freeport, when I first started out I went over to see them, they are a good bunch of blokes who gave me loads of usefull info, the site address is http://www.braintreeparamotoring.co.uk/ you can find Simons number on there, once the weather improves I will be looking to do a bit of flying with them myself, as Frazer mentioned we are sometimes over at westmill just west of Ware, you are more than welcome to pop over for a chat, good luck fellas.


Hi Dave ,

Do you still fly from westmill ? 

I live in Harlow and I would like to find more pilots nearby and a nice place to takeoff.

Cheers Stef

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