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Hi All,

I'm new to the forum so by way of an introduction - I am a Chester based pilot 16 years without motor and nearly 2 with.

Mostly fly North Wales and Snowdonia (plus abroad whenever possible), and XC without motor is the true challenge (and reward).

Keen to try some paramotor 1 direction "trips" to extend flights beyond the usual circuit from the TO field limited by fuel and time to get back.....................I get bored easily.

Currently exploring TO options on NW coast.

Loads of ideas , but not as much time as I would like to realise them!

Anyway - My first idea/suggestion.

How about arranging a meeting? I would be good to meet and share info and views on new sites, flights route ideas , equipment advice, create a network.............have a beer.

For those of you not familiar with the North Wales Hang and Paraglider Club look it up on the net. The monthly club night may be a good place to say hello. Why not join? The savings from the subsidised beer at the Airbus Social Club would soon cover the meagre membership costs :)

It also helps break down a few barriers.

Kind Regards,


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I'm Chris and I was flying with Mark and Matt yesterday. I have only just started paramotoring. Did my training out in Portugal in November. Have done about 5 hours since I got back. Just been on a 40 min fly this morning.

I would be very keen to join you on a XC. I live in Glazebrook near Warrington. My girlfriend lives near Chester, so I could easily meet up at some point. I'll PM you my contact details.

Mark, thanks for the invite yesterday. Really enjoyed flying over Beeston.

Merry Christmas all.


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  • 2 weeks later...

You guys are making me turn green with envy with the amount of flying you are getting. I was hoping for a few hours flying in December, but I got well and truly shafted at work. They made me work 3 weekends in December plus late shifts on Christmas eve and boxing day. I went over to Boston (Linconshire) for new year and I had to tow along behind the wife and in-laws as they went shopping, while group of paramotorists where buzzing around in the sky above us. I am desperate for a flying fix now. If you are flying this weekend can I join?

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Hiya Meds,

Thanks for sharing your field with Chris and I. Unfortunate that I didn't get airborne but I'm hoping for more of a breeze in order to give the motor its maiden flight (decided that after 2 failed nil wind launches).

Was good to watch you guys though. Must admit for the rest of the Xmas break I kind of neglected the motor and went hill flying instead 2 great days at Parlick and Holme Moss.

Still itching to get the new motor in the air so keep us posted about any weekend flying.



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Thank you for the invite Meds. It is most gracious of you.

I still haven't found somewhere to fly from locally. I live in Saughall, on the outskirts of the Broughton airspace and the Capenhurst restricted area. I've done all my flying in South Wales so far (where I trained with Welsh Airsports).

I think I would struggle to get time off at short notice. Unfortunately the NHS has little sympathy for its staff let alone patients. I am currently doing a week of night shifts ending late on friday morning. I think fatigue will probably make flying a bit unsafe for me. If you are flying over the weekend, I would love to join. Hope to see you soon.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

been scouring the internet for info on paramotoring and wound up here. Been fascinated with flight 'forever'. Made Airfix spitfires as a kid and then some flying model airplanes.

Got my full PPL in 1979 and flew 60+ hours in cessnas, tiger moths, pitts specials and many others.

Technicality in 1984 made my license lapse though I have one of the forever ones so only need a little work to get back to full ppl.

Family intervened till 1989 then did some paragliding in Rushups Edge and Edale. Fantastic fun top landings and 360s, real flying no engines and very rough old paragliders with crap glide angles. Still great fun. Family intervened again.

2003 tried Microlighting in a Quantum but starting to get old and way to cold. Also couldn't get the hang of pushing the bar forward felt all wrong.

2007 pack to ppl putting in a few hours before trying for the GFT. Piper tomahawk, good fun very basic but good to be back in the air. However short on funds and time. Back to dreaming.

2009 watching some you tube vids of gyrocopters and paramotors just lit me up again. Can't yet affford a gyro but probably could squeeze enough for a paramotor. Seems ideal the basic fun of PG without the need to find a windy hill. Ace.

So lost of advice needed. Who/where to train with? Kit to buy? Where to fly? Then I discovered this forum and leapt for joy.

I live in whitegate. less than a mile from the police HQ described above by meds. When are you next flying? Can I come for a nosey and a chat?

All advice gratefully received. Desperate to get back into the air.........


cue Aled Jones etc " i'm walking in the air............" :lol:

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'Great thing about an active forum - it brings people together to fly. What could be better.

'Was talking to one of our nascent Panel Examiners yesterday and he reported a surge in business over the last few months. It seems there is rising interest in PPG and some of it coming from guys who just cannot justify spending the sums they need to to go conventional GA power flying. It is a natural progression during a recession I suppose.

Where would we be without an imagination eh?? Welcome Snowman!


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Dear Norman,

Thanks for the prompt reply I have nicked the image for my avatar. Hope you don't mind.

I understand your comments about the recession. I have tried all sorts of different ways to get in the air, Some more fun than others. Some more expensive than others.

Still just getting up there feels so good.

I appreciate you are in somerset but do you have any general beginners advice re wings and tuition and motors etc?


Snowman :D

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Welcome Snowman - know what you mean about Airfix kits, I reckon we have all been there. My ceiling used to be a huge dogfight with models hung from drawing pins, never thought I'd get myself into the air via this mad method though :? I reckon this form of transport is definately the cheapest but also the most fun so stick with it, you will find a bargain out there with your name on it.

ps - love the avatar but please try to roughly stick to forum guidelines -i.e. its width can be no greater than 80 pixels, the height no greater than 80 pixels, just shrink it in paintshop or something....cheers

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As for advice on motors and wings, you will find people very helpful in the paramotoring game and particularly here. Kit is a minefield and unless you are careful you can end up buying your kit twice, the first a purchase of mild impatience, the second an informed correction.

Paramania make a selection of wings that are gaining a reputation based on research. I love my Duduek wing because it is big (34m). I use a Fresh Breeze Monster - but I use them because they suit me particularly well. They certainly wouldn't suit the majority as they are not 6'6" and hefty.

Enjoy... :wink:

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Hi All,

I have managed to shrink it in photoshop elements but now I can't get it back on the profile.

What am I doing wrong?


Snowman :(

Host it somewhere like 'PhotoBucket' and then link the URL in your preferences. I haven't been able to find a way to upload direct from my own machine either.

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Thanks Norman for that excellent work.

I have set it up now and it looks great.

I am looking at a 26 Paramania Revolution with a Bailey four stroke motor. But naturally I am going to get some training first and take advice from them.

Anyone any experience of flyschool.co.uk?:?:

They seem to be the nearest one to me and the guy was very helpful over the phone. :)

Thanks again

Snowman :)

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Welcome snowman. I live in Lymm and have been obsessed with flying since before I could walk. Airfix then breaking balsa gliders then r/c planes for years, then r/c nitro helicopters, then a couple of microlighting lessons, then a couple of years of lots of hill paragliding in UK with flying trips to spain, morocco and sardinia. Decided motoring would be a good option for the same reasons you give above. Had a couple of short flights on an old RAD and recently bought a new PAP TOP 80 1400. As you asked about kit I'll explain my reasons. It is light with pretty good thrust, low hangpoints should make it feel more like free flying (didn't like the high hangpoints on my old motor but each to their own). This and PAP seem to have a good name. Just my opinon but its a lovely piece of kit. Wingwise I have a swing arcus 5 which I plan to use for free flying and motoring. My motoring experience is small so can't offer too much more advice. See you around.

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