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Clay Shooting on Boxing day...


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Hi guys,

I know a good few of us shoot. Every year, Boxing Day and New Years, I like to go shoot some clays. I wondered if anybody else was planning to shoot on either day? I'm in Herts and will travel a fair distance for a good layout (shame i'm no good really).

Request on the offchance, no problem if not, there are a couple locally I can jump in on.

We should organise something in 2009 though, the PMC Clay Trophy :D Big day event, competition between the regions, BBQ, barn dance etc etc.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm in and I can bring a couple of bang sticks along, don't know where the best venue would be though ? I live right next door to National Clay Shooting Centre and Bisley Shooting ground clay ranges but the latter is not cheap.

They NSC does have the skeet and DTL "driving ranges" where you buy tokens for the traps (about £7 for 25 clays) but it's not exactly a sporting layout.....

What have you got near you ? or can we beg/borrow/steal some traps and get Simon to acquire a field for a day. I do have a trap and a field in Northumberland but the logistics are not worth mentioning.

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Well close to me there are both Broomhills shooting groundin Markyate (near, Dunstable) and the A1 shooting groundat South Mimms Services (well, 2 minutes down road). Both are CPSA registered I think, plus they have good sporting layouts to competition standard.

Alternatively, maybe we should do a quick count up and see how many people are interested, then plan something halfway 'ish' from everybody. Plent of grounds around for that to be practical.

Peeersonally, I'd prefer to make a good day out of it, nice BBQ, few drinks (after the bang bangs are safely stored away) and do it in a field somewhere. I have a pallet load of standard and midi clays, all we need are some traps and a willing land owner :D

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I have 1 manual trap as well. Its a fab site for rabbit, springing teal, crossing pigeon etc. Have a mate who supplies electric traps if I ask, especially if a charity is involved. Could do a fly in from that site too as well as a barby if thats an idea. Obivously as a paramotor makes a rather unsporting shot, flying would have to be before/ after the clays!!! :lol:

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Sounds great, I think the land sounds good, thanks pegasus. Maybe we should agree on a date before we start scrounging traps left right and center. I'm a bit anal with regards to H&E so we'd have to be safe (not that we wouldn't).

I have clays coming out of my ears can contribute those. We need an idea on numbers, level of ability and who can bring there own guns.

Personally, i'm not that fussed regarding weather...but makes more sense to do it when it's more 'clement'.

We just need a couple of BBQ's (or a spit roast) and away we go :D

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Agree totally with you there. Anyone shooting with a shootgun certificate should have at least 3rd party insurance with someone like the NGO or BASC. Those being lent guns by people who hold them on their certificates, must be supervised by someone in pocession of a certificate. These individuals should take out their own separate insurance. It would be a good idea to have a chat to BASC to advise on an overall insurance for the day. I also have a electronic 50 bird flush mounted on a trailer which is great fun - can we work out a donationto Cancer Research?

A date we could all agree on would be good. Weather wise on the day - we can always pospone it. I can not host it until after the 1st of February and it has to also be before we start harvest in July! Barby wise, we have 1 gass one, depending on numbers we probably only need another one of those.

Think you have hit on a great social there Ben!

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I'm BASC covered and my coaching skills are pretty good.

Hows about this then, possibly running it during the March fly-in ?

I have a few boxes of cartridges (FIBRE), approx 500 carts, we could have 25 birds per person, cost £20 of which a £5 is for ammo £5 for clays and £10 charity ? thats a max of 20 participants.

Just getting the ideas rolling :lol:

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Errrrrr depending when in March the fly-in is I might not be able to make it now as i have been reminded by my calender? Grrrrr!!

By the sounds of it(weather wise) we are talking end of March?

Doing 'action man' stuff in Namibia!!!

Lets wait for the chief to decide when he's back.


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