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A lesson learnt

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was due to go to lambourn today for some training, unfortunately spoke to Simon and it was too windy, I had met up with Frazer and Ben earlier as we were going down together, Ben was feeling under the weather and decided he better go home to stay in close proximity to a toilet bowl LOL, myself and Frazer decided to go over to our regular training field at westmill and see how conditions were there, on arrival I checked the wind speed, 6mph with slight gusts up to 8 mph just right for what we had in mind, reverse launches, we put up the windsock and got our kit out for some ground handling, all was going well for a couple of hours with both of us getting our wings up nicely, I was watching the windsock while biulding my wall and shfting left and right to get centred on the wing, at this point the wind was strong but still very manageble, all of a sudden it began to pick up a bit, although the windsock indicated it was still very constant, the wing was starting to really pull at me and required more muscle to keep it at bay, just as I was stepping right to centre myself, I lost my footing when I trod straight in a pile of sheeps crap, down I went, without my feet on the ground to give me some purchase against the wings pull I was dragged along the field, fortunaely I had my wits about me and grabbed one side of the lines/risers and collapsed the wing, this was an indication not to continue, we went back to my van and I checked the wind speed again, this time, 10mph with strong gusts up to 15mph, the lesson? dont always trust what the windsock is telling you and when ground handling checked the wind speed reguarly if you feel things are changing.

now all I have to do is find a good washing powder for getting a mixture of grass, mud and sheep poo stains out of my clothing :D

and Ben needs to find a new pair of pants :D

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We all get caught out by the urge to want to fly / ground handle sometimes.

All is well that ends well.


to be fair when we got there the conditions were pretty good, obviously the wind you were experiencing when we called was heading our way, I geuss its all part of the learning curve and adds to ones experience :D

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Hi outcast

can i ask you whitch way do you launch your wing? do you have split A's? There is a few ways to launch even if it is getting windy without being pulled to much. You can step a couple of steps of centre and bring up one side of the wing first. It is tricky but i am sure one of the powers to be on here could explain it to you in more detail than i can.

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Your talking about a Cobra launch.

Invented by Butterfly Dave a Paragliding instructor on the IOW.

Great for a high wind launch.

But, if its too windy, its too windy.

Cant explain in text, but happy to show you in the field.


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A great thing to know.

Practice by trying to get the tip of your wing to touch the ground and then getting it back up again. This has the wing flying sideways (so no lift)


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A great thing to know.

Practice by trying to get the tip of your wing to touch the ground and then getting it back up again. This has the wing flying sideways (so no lift)


I have just about mastered reverse launchs so maybe Simon can show me the "cobra" when we come down.

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its still a reverse but the basics are you step to one side to bring up one side and you use one hand on both a's and one brake in the same hand as the A's and the other hand has the other brake handle in it and you use your fingers to cover the other brake line.

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