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Hello from Portugal


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First sorry my english. I dont practice for a long time.

Next y dont find a place for intricuce me so i'm doing it here.

Y'm from portugal and i practice paramotor cince summer.

For now is all. If someone is thinking in coming to portugal please let me know.

Good flights.


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Hi Norman.

I'm living in Povoa de Varzim, next to Oporto, its about 300 Km from lisbond.

It's very dificult to fly in lisbond. you hve the airport and the rest is not very good space to fly. you have to go outside Lisbond.

Y usually fly in the north near my house. If you are thinking in passe thru the north, let me know.

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Oi Brutus,

Vejo algumas pessoas contatam-no curtamente. Tenho uma casa em Espanha e eu penso em voar em Espanha, talvez eu talvez diga oi e o visita? Em Inglaterra nós somos dissapionted com tempo e tão se algum pedisse visitar e voar então gostaríamos de a. Seu inglês é muito muito bom. Falo um espanhol pequeno.

Receba a este clube amigável.


hey guys two can play at that!!! Good that the club is reaching far afield!!

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Not bilingual so I put your message into babel fish and this is what I got:

"I see some people contact it shortly. I have a house in Spain and I think about flying in Spain, perhaps I perhaps say oi and the visit? In England we are dissapionted with time and so if some asked for to visit and to fly then we would like. Its English is very very good. I say a small Spaniard. It receives to this friendly club".

Who is the "small Spaniard?" LOL



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I'll kill my brother!!!!

I asked him to translate a message and well...?? babel it is!!

Obviously was in the pub at the time!!!

But it all sounds good though!!! I do have a place in the mountains North of Loja, Spain and there is a paramotoring club I am trying to liaise with?

Brutus are there any restrictions for us Brits to fly out there?


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Hello Mike!

The restrictions for Brits are the same for Portugas;

Restriction areas Aerports, prisions, stadiums of futbol.

We are in a kind of paradise yet.

Oure meeting will be on sunday the 16th, but you can come any day, we fly almost every day :twisted::twisted::twisted:

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This little spaniard has been looking into this roughly. Its about 24-26 hour drive from Calais and we are looking at almost to the farthest SW of Spain and then over the border. I drove to Granada last year with kids and all and it was a bit of a slog!! We are talking next weekend which seems a long way to go for a weekend?

A week is do-able, but realistically we are talking flying to Lisbon and having kit sent down?!

Brutus has given us an invitation but we would probably want to fly all week etc etc......

It was mentioned earlier that the Lemmings are organising Las Candelas ???????

Dont know chaps and chapettes?

But I do think we should seriously think about doing something sometime? Whats the weather like in France.............probably much the same as what we are having............unless further south is journeyed? But then there are the restrictions?

Just my thoughts that probably others are thinking??


(Fed up with weather!!!!!)

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Well once I get the towbar fitted to my Skoda, I might be persuaded to hire a trailer and do some of the driving. Reason I'm offering is that I'm running on LPG, and as long as I can get it en-route then would save a bob or two in fuel. Only hiccup is that I can't use the Chunnel.

As far as I can see though, it's north of Lisbon, so not all the way to SW Spain. Did you mean SW France?

Just had a look, and from me it's about 1500 miles, that works out about £125 on gas or £250 petrol

With a box trailer with perhaps 6 or so motors, that sounds workable. It would be nice to have someone with me to co-drive though. Another alternative would be to look at what other facilities/ attractions there are in the area, and see whether we could make it a family 'do'. Perhaps take over a corner of a campsite, with kids, family BBQ's etc. Then if any flyer wanted to take a day off, there would still be 'stuff' to do. I for one quite enjoy the company of my significant other.

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Well once I get the towbar fitted to my Skoda, I might be persuaded to hire a trailer and do some of the driving. Reason I'm offering is that I'm running on LPG, and as long as I can get it en-route then would save a bob or two in fuel. Only hiccup is that I can't use the Chunnel.

As far as I can see though, it's north of Lisbon, so not all the way to SW Spain. Did you mean SW France?

Just had a look, and from me it's about 1500 miles, that works out about £125 on gas or £250 petrol

With a box trailer with perhaps 6 or so motors, that sounds workable. It would be nice to have someone with me to co-drive though. Another alternative would be to look at what other facilities/ attractions there are in the area, and see whether we could make it a family 'do'. Perhaps take over a corner of a campsite, with kids, family BBQ's etc. Then if any flyer wanted to take a day off, there would still be 'stuff' to do. I for one quite enjoy the company of my significant other.

Dont forget about the road tolls they work out at a lot??

Pete b

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Well a nice trip towards the sun sounds good to me. What better way to learn...and much cheaper than skyschool...

With more warning a long weekend in the sun can be arranged :) I'm sure outkast and frazer would consider it too...

Can provide big icelandic tents if needed...nice and snug

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Lets make it so. It would be be called a training weekend though, just a flying trip. ;-)

The thing is, I am away from the 14th of Jan until the end of Feb which is when you lot are going to want to do it.

If after this, then I am 120% up for it.


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Brutus, there will be much work before we can confirm if the trip will take place. We would very much like to travel to Portugal, but many things could prevent it from happening. Please understand that much has to be done.

O Brutus, lá será muito trabalho antes que nós possamos confirmar se o desengate ocorrerá. Nós gostaríamos muito de viajar a Portugal, mas muitas coisas poderiam impedir que aconteça. Compreenda por favor que muito tem que ser feito.


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