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2M or Airband?


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Im a noob to paramotoring but have had ppl and flown gliders.

Im a little confused about which radio to buy, im told that 2m is the one that most PPG pilots use to contact each other in the air, however the airlaw section on this site says that its illegal to use it in the air.

Airband makes sense if i want to fly into my local microlight or gliding club, and i have a licence because of my old ppl.

Im considering getting a radio that does both but am not sure.... any help is welcome!

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No radio is 'legal' to use while paramotoring regardless of your FRTOL (Flight Radio Telephony Operators License) status.

Ummm, why?

If it is a type approved set and has the appropriate paperwork done (eg an Icom A22), and you have a FRTL, why would that not be legal?

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If it is a type approved set and has the appropriate paperwork done (eg an Icom A22), and you have a FRTL, why would that not be legal?

The installation itself requires approval for which there is no means provided for unregistered aircraft. Many microlights unofficially use handhelds as they can be removed when it is permit renewal time for this very reason.

Sorry to dissappoint but you'd have been better off spending half the price on a Vertex Standard than thinking it was worth the extra for the questionably 'approved' Icom.

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Well, I have never had the misconception that my ICOM was approvable (it's an A24, so not type approved).

My understanding of the installation licence provision, is that a handheld set can obtain an 'installation' certificate for use in several aircraft. When I read the required paperwork, there was no requirement to enter an aircraft registration. Therefore, a type approved set can be granted a 'removable' installation certificate.

have a look here;

http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid ... 2#aircraft

under option 3

I may of course be wrong, but then I don't give a wet slap :)

I think you and I will have to agree to differ regarding the price differential between ICOM and Yaesu equipment. I still think the ICOM is a superior piece of equipment and worth the extra.

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Well I think I may have to stand corrected as it looks like the CAA are at last legitimising handheld use when airborne! On that licence application form there is a category for a Powered Paraglider (under the glider section) so it may be that you go down this route rather than the 'transportable' part for aircraft which to me seems to cater more for registered aircraft albeit not stating that these days.

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Everyone comes to this from a couple of directions Bignos largely depending on their background and situation.

I favor VHF airband because it makes sense to me to be able to communicate with other airspace users. Most guys (51% of the pilots in the USA and probably similar here) tend to fly by themselves and therefore having a common frequency to use for airborne use seems largely irrelevant. Airband has dedicated frequencies for this purpose that do not require you to be licensed though there are caveats to their use.

FM seems to so poor in practice that I think many just say, "what's the point in lugging the thing around." UHF is better for the purpose - V23b has explored the radio question extensively so he is likely to give you sound pointers there. Likewise Phil_p seems a dab hand at radio work (I will leave it to him to expose his latest project).

There is a lot of debate about the legality of carrying and using the radios that we do. My feeling is that if you can demonstrate that you have tried hard to operate a legal installation and use it responsibly you are unlikely to take heat from the authorities if there are gaps in your paperwork that you have found hard to resolve. That may be a controversial view.... and I will be taking all steps available to properly license my installation.

An RT license is essential in my opinion as it demonstrates the above and provides education which is essential if you are to participate seamlessly in the great natter in the sky. Being a PPL you are well covered there.

I hope that helps...


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