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Australia 2010 Expedition meeting.


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I would love to be involved in this but I can't make the meeting, a little problem of 3000 miles! on the up side I'm already a quarter of the way to Australia and I'm used to dealing with rugged terrain and dangerous creatures including snakes, scorpions & large ugly flesh eating spiders! I'm told by my boss (ex RAAF pilot) who has extensive knowledge of flying in that part of the country that it is like flying in the empty quarter (a name given to a large part of Saudi with nothing it).

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Ah! Your number is indeed correct. I, on the other hand, have handed in my notice at work today, and am consequently a little bit tipsy (ie. a bit smashed) and cannot seem to read numbers straight.

So... my fault :-)

Look forward to meeting eveyone tomorrow night :-)

Txo. (*hic*)

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Thanks to those of you who were at the meeting last night.

It looks like we have got ourselfs the start of a decent team, thanks Tracey for driving so far to get to it.

Team list updated.


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Hi Simon and the Team!!

2010 seems oh, so far away... my mind is already churning out all sorts of things to do and get organised and I can't wait for the next meet! Until then, I'll just hope that the weather clears enough to get an hour or two's decent flying under my belt!

Happy dreams guys!


PS. Getting to your neck of the woods was no trouble at all. :)

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If anyone else is thinking about this trip then please just come to one of the meetings to find out more.

If you dont consider it you wont go and you may miss a once in a lifetime adventure.

Nice to see new and familiar faces and colins AHHHHHHHHHHH

Pete b

It is hard but not that hard to do :D:D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Simon,

It was good speaking to you the other day and thanks for taking time to explain a bit more about your proposed expedition to me and what has been set up so far. As we discussed there is a long way to go with a lot of logistical work to be done and as with all these types of project it is something that evolves all the time. This will be no small undertaking and sounds like a great project to involved in. Obviously you are in the pre production stages of the expedition and as yet nothing is set in concrete or confirmed but it sounds like a very challenging and exciting project.

As mentioned I was unable to make your first meeting as I was away in Spain on a Paramotor course there and then straight off to Oman on work commitment. Unfortunately I will be unable to make the next meeting which I believe is on the 14th November as I am back to Oman again but just want to say that I am interested in the expedition and feel I may have some skills that I can bring to the table that would be of use to you and your team. Obviously missing these meetings is not a good start in showing an interest in the project but work is work as I am sure you will understand.

I will keep an eye on the site for details of up and coming meetings and hopefully will be able to make the one of them so I can meet you and your team personally and discuss this expedition further. Until then all the best with the project as it progresses.

Cheers Duncan barbour

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
how much experience is needed to join in the flight route on this trip as sounds like a heap of fun but alas no experience as such but 2 years...... hmmmm that could change. :roll:

Details of costs etc would be good too.

Well your on your way to getting some hours now after Saturday,

Pete b

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