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Fixing propeller nicks

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I dunno if this is common knowledge, so sharing just in case.

When I was taking off at Simon's my right speed bar clip somehow disconnected (I assume it must have not been fully in though I'd swear it was).. once at take off and once in flight i heard a ping - and sure enough when I landed I could see that the prop had been clipped in two places by it (one in each prop half of course!!).

Neither is a massive clip imho so I was happy to repair and keep it as a spare (once I've tested it on the ground at full speed).

For wee nicks you've got a few options that I've used in the past at least:

1. regular epoxy

I'm not keen on that - it's messy, heavy and not that strong

2. superglue and bicarbonate of soda.

that's good for tiny nicks, but nothing too big. I'm not sure it has much strength to it either tbh though I've used on plenty props.

3. Solarez

This is a UV curing resin with fibreglass in it for repairing surboards. I've been using the polyester version up till now, but I see they now have an epoxy version too.

No mixing required here - you just put in on and work it into the nick and smooth it - move prop into the sun and its rock solid in a few minutes. A bit of sanding later and you're good tro go.

With the fibreglass fibres in it, my feeling is it binds better in with the carbon fibres and seems to create a very strong fix. It's also very very light so you're less likely to bugger up the prop balance than if you fill nick with regular epoxy.

Anyhoo, it was polyester solarez I used for the nicks, and seem ok. I have purchased some of the blue solarez (epoxy) now though to play with - as it says that's better for carbon fibre but I'm not so sure - as it doesn't seem to have the fibres in it like the yellow (polyester) tubes.

Anyway, as always just my 2c but thought it might be useful info.


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The regular epoxy is brill....if you mix it with "micro fibres" and "micro balloons". The fibres make it super tough and the balloons make it much lighter. I use equal amounts of fibres/balloons and keep adding until I have a really thick mix that will not run. I learnt about this stuff from repairing my dad's fibreglass sailing boat - he was always dinging the centre board and rudder. This stuff gives a real composite repair and you can easily fill quite big chunks.



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