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To reflex or not to reflex?

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Given Delboys comments about the Hoaxglex wings, can we have a discussion comparing pilots experience and view. Anyone flown a Dominator and can comment from experience? The way he flies it makes it look very good indeed and the recent accident makes the reflex look poor but of course he’s a salesman so all his geese are swans. 

What do we think guys? Let’s keep it civil as a few comments on FB tend to be a bit personal and I’ve posted here as this has always come across as a friendly and constructive environment.



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After free flying standard wings for donkey's yeas, I found reflex unnerving (Niviuk Kougar 2) …  it reacts differently to turbulence... not good or bad, just different (it doesn't pitch in the same way) and I never feel quite as safe as I used to when free-flying.
On the up side, its relatively fast and doesn't oscillate.
The only real way to quantify a difference would be an SIV on both types but assuming they both have the same classification, they ought to react very similar to standard departures.

Dell lost my ear on the subject when he said "you cant push a string" implying that the "reflex" is not possible on a floppy wing... he is ether being dishonest or laboring under a misconception about fluid dynamics.
I am assuming that leaves most of us treating the contents of Dell's character with a healthy dose of cautious skepticism.

Edited by Blackburn Mark
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Dell has no idea what he is talking about. Clearly he has never flown a full reflex wing. My wing, trims full out, plus speedbar (ie full reflex) still has considerable weight on the A1 lines. I have tried pulling one and it takes considerable effort. Hence his rather stupid tale about slack lines and pushing strings is either naive or just straight lies.


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I’m not experienced enough to judge but whenever Del demos a collapse of some type he does so at idle. I’d assume there’s quite a difference doing the same with the throttle open when the collapse is unintended?



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6 hours ago, Trevsked said:

he does so at idle.

You would want to go to idle when things get lumpy enough that a collapse seems inevitable...
Just for some perspective, I only ever remember one time that I did this, I was trying to break through an inversion on a very thermic day and drew the line at having to bury both breaks to stop a frontal... Above the inversion is likely to have been nice and smooth but I gave in, it beat me :( 

If you get a collapse and maintain power, you are just asking for an off centre thrust line or oscillating thrust line to confuse the hell out of you just when you need your wits at 100%.

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No sorry, my poor post probably. The chap that Del points out was flying reflex and claims it wouldn’t happen with a Dominator. What I was trying to ask was how the Dominator would react with power on and a collapse as opposed to how he demos with a closed throttle.



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Ah, tricky... like I said, I personally feel safer on a standard but this is due to how many years I flew one and not due to any objective knowledge I have gained on a reflex.
Some reflex wings where not happy being flow actively when in full reflex mode which really turned me off but the kougar 2 does not require any trim settings vs break use discipline... I am assuming most of the newer reflex wings are similar but I hope someone will correct me if I am wrong.

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