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Anyone know of any paramotor clubs or people actively flying in Worcestershire? Flying around the local area is all good and well, but I want to go places :) If there is a local PPG friendly PG club, that might be interestign also.


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If you pass me your pot code via PM, I will try and point you toward your nearest club, PMC or otherwise. If all else fails, form one yourself with us. It costs nowt' and we can then direct people your way and give advice with fields and club structure etc.

For example, I am a relative newbie, I started last year and have flown little due to weather and time. I formed a club early in the year and we now have fields to fly rom and members are starting to contact me to fly from them.

Proactive activity cracks the problem...

Talk to Simon as Weesplat suggests.

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For example, I am a relative newbie, I started last year and have flown little due to weather and time. I formed a club early in the year and we now have fields to fly rom and members are starting to contact me to fly from them.

Heh, maybe.

I have nice flattish 7 acre field next to my house, managed around 5 hours so far, but going to get some training, probably from http://www.paddysparamotortraining.co.uk/ ... I had a bit of a moment, so I figure a bit of instruction will probably help :)

If anyone is up and about around the Bewdley sort of direction and wants somewhere to fly from, PM me, the field is always available. It's not totally ideal, has horses in one direction, and a telephone cable crosses another boundary, but, so long as there is a bit of wind to steepen the climb out, its fine.

I have to admit the first attempts at flying resulted in no success and a long hard think and a slightly pulled back (forward launch in less than still conditions, mistake!) ... but with a revision to take off technique (using crossed hands reverse launch now) it all goes remarkably well. Got the hang of 5 to 10 mph wind take offs ok, and nil-wind take-offs now not a big problem either.

I did find that getting up in a 10mph wind was OK, but going backwards in rough conditions at 2000 feet was not great fun. Not got the speedbar rigged up yet, but I probably would not have used it in rough air like that anyway ... ended up dropping down low and working slowly back to the field.

All in all, having fun, but i do need to get some time with a more experienced pilot real soon now :)

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Well done on what you have achieved so far but I think it is a really, really good idea that you are after a local mentor/instructor now to guide you.

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I too think that going to see Paddy for a few hours will not only help you to enjoy the sport more and stay safe.

Sounds like you have the basics sorted!


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I too think that going to see Paddy for a few hours will not only help you to enjoy the sport more and stay safe.

Sounds like you have the basics sorted!


Well, like I said, I have a couple of hundred paraglider flights in the past, flown in the UK and various bits of the french alps, switzerland, laragne .... even StHillaire on occasion, so the flying with a wing thing is fairly well sorted.

The paramotor certainly does add another dimension though, I'm pretty sure my err 'moment' happened because of too much power applied along with a little too much brake ...

Anyway, hopefully Paddy can sort me out in a day or two ... just waiting to get the wing back from The Loft now :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Awesome ... just as the weather looks good, and every field on the area is knee-deep in grass ... my local friendly farmer turns up and cuts my field for me :) w00t! .. now if I can just get out of the tedious visit to the inlaws at the weekend, we are up up and away :)

Richard et al, feel free to help yourselves if I'm not about :) you know where it is. Looks like hes going to do hay with it, but that is usually fairly fast, esp. if its haylage, shoud be gone by the weekend with a bit of luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I am a pilot in Kidderminster, I had heard there were a couple of flyers nearby so glad to have tracked you down on the forum.

Do any of the local flyers fancy getting together for a pint one of the days? Pack Horse in Bewdley could be a good meeting spot? let me know.

I would also be interested in joining the nearest club if anyone can point me in the right direction.


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  • 1 year later...

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