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hmm, still testing this wing nearly costs £4,000.00 pounds theres alot of less material used and for what it is. less material used but costs more???? why? iam changing the brake toggles.. the magnets are far too weak for what i want .spirals.sats .etc. changing to gin acro. the lines are far better.. the sheathed lines making the wing feel heavy.. in the manual it mentions power launch??? not recommended?? £4,000.00 and i cant use the power launch??? i use the power launch on the viper 3. but the freeride?? hmm, still testing 

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Hi Tony


what size are you demoing at the moment? 


In answer to your comment about Less equaling more, Less Material small sizes yes your right but what you have to take into consideration is the manufacturing times. The Free ride is a 56 cell wing compared to a speedster that's a bit cheaper but larger sizes 54 cell wing. Go to the Roadster 3 its a 48 cell wing.. The Internal structure is also different..  I have not had any issue with the strength of the Magnets on any of the Ozone wings i have flown but i guess this is personal chose opinion.. I'm not sure i understand your sats spirals bit? 

I am not really sure why you need to use a POWER launch on the Freeride, I only have to look at mine or sneeze and she is over my head. IMO the Power launch is an old technique really not needed with the modern wings. 

Would love to see you doing some Sats on the freeride.... Post up a video....


Safe flying!! 

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hi, mark the issue I have with the freeride is ozone states the brake toggle magnets are better..? there not.!!! hence why I have changed to stronger magnets.= gin acro. now please compare ozone freeride magnets to gin acro magnets then you'll notice a great difference. do you sell ozone wings? are ozone  wings faultless? the power launch? a question for you. now I have a viper 3 unsheathed lines the updated freeride has sheathed lines. i can do a power launch with the viper 3. I only have to look at mine or sneeze and she is over my head. now from experience, the freeride is not so easy? is it because with sheathed lines it makes the wing slightly heavy.?  depending on the skill level of a pilot. if the wind is nearly nil.and you look around and see other pilots cant take off.!! then the power launch which you say is an old technique..is an option. that will get me off the ground. no matter what. depending on the pilots' skill level.? pilots with modern wings are only as good as there skill levels.you can have a modern wing. with a not so good pilot. who doesn't know what hes doing .hence he won't take off. please show me .you doing big ears?. a deep spiral.? and a sat.?   post up a video. shouldn't be a problem you flying in the comps?  any type of acro you think you can do ill do better.!!. so  post a video big ears. spirals and sats .you first once ive seen yours ill do far better...... mate.  oh p.s. having stronger magnets better than the magnets that ozone has.e.g gin.with ozone 2d toggles just pulling the tst line the toggle can get disconnected.which in my mind.. i don't want.. hence stronger magnets wing size 23m

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Yes tony i have used both gin on the Paramania wings and Ozone on Ozone wings, I didn't say either was better i just do not have any issue with the force it takes to remove the Ozone handles from the rear riser... If you do fair enough change them..  

Yes i do sell Ozone wings, one reason why i was commenting on the small size VS cost question you had

I have seen many pilots with poor technique taking off with modern wings in nill wind without power launching. If you want to power launch feel free... It really is not needed especially on the Freeride. I think you need to read the Freeride manual again Tony as it doens't say you CAN NOT do a power forward,  they advise not to as it may upset the way the wing comes up.. 

I wasn't asking you to post up your video for a dick wanging competion, i just like seeing people use there wings properly!! Yes i am a comp pilot classic and slalom but i am not an acro pilot by any means. It's a different skill set to slalom flying..

Big ears is not an acro manoeuvre by the way its an siv type and i have never ever heard of anyone keeping the brakes on the magnets when doing spirals or Sats??? 

Good luck with the rest of your testing... 

fly safe

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mark where does it say = quote" keeping the brakes on the magnets when doing spirals or Sats"???  i can't see what you thought you saw? recheck .. quote the manual on the freeride says this.. "Tony as it doesn't say you CAN NOT do a power forward,  they advise not to as it may upset the way the wing comes up.. ah sorry its like saying if i have over one thousand air hours i still cant do a power launch.!! if i can do a power launch on a viper 3 then a newer wing like the freeride i still should be able to do a power launch. do you agree yes or no? or watch my takeoffs using the power launch with the viper 3..   live and learn .. " does it say on the viper 3 manual the same words? . and keep in mind i use the old technique to get me off the ground ..where there's a pilot who has less experience then me.. cant get off the ground ? or is there a change in the two manuals  ?? but remember the freeride costs more and is newer. but please check? and whats dick wanging? big ears. spirals. sats. maybe a sat is harder.but the rest most experienced pilots can do .i can do all and iam no competition or slalom pilot. oh you left out something. no mention at all of you showing a video of you doing big ears.. deep spiral. or a sat. quote" Big ears is not an acro manoeuvre " please check yet again i did not say that a big ears was acro. .i asked if you could show us on video? anyone who is competent should be able to do big ears.  if they need to. e.g cloud suck. or avoidance please show me if you can do big ears.. deep spiral and a sat then ill show you. on video . or are you chickening out. you asked me.to show you ... remember but ill show you after ive seen what you can do.if you watched my videos .deep spirals.. big ears. a sat .i can do and ill show you on my action cam.after ive seen you . not too much to ask ... is it.or is it?  gather your men to help you out......now i remember quote from simon westmore = "dick wanging "   like flying its all a test u savvey!!!

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