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Where to start in Tyne and Wear, UK?

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Hello All, I am Alistair from Tyneside and I am keen on learning to fly a paramotor.

I have wanted to learn to fly for many years but it was a pipe dream that I never quite got round to following it up. I assume that this happens a lot. Time has passed and I have been drawn more and more to the freedom of paramotoring. So much so that this year I decided I should stop thinking about it and actually do something about it.

As one of my rules of life is "don't be dead" I decided to search for a decent instructor or school to guide me through the process, but as an outsider I don't really know who to ask about who is good. Really I would like to learn a bit at a time locally, but I guess travelling is an option for something more intensive. Can anyone recommend anyone?

Also is anyone local to the North East UK here? I would love to come say hello and see others fly.

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I am in Yarm, near Middlesbrough. While the fields are too wet I am flying off the beach at Redcar. 

There are no instructors up here that I know of.....there are very few PPGers. I went and trained in Spain for 10 days so got great weather, lots of flying and training all done and dusted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Alistair , i am from the Wallsend area in Tyne and Wear , i have completed my training but still fairly new and looking for fellow pilots to fly with in the area , i have limited hours in the air and would like to really push this year if i can find like minded locals to fly with 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello chaps I am also from the wallsend area and wanting to get into paramotoring. I've done a paragliding taster at sunsoar and loved it but the travelling,  the dependency on certain conditions and also the specific launch criteria put me off the idea of pursuing it. Did you guys ever meet up? Would defo be up for it if i can get this ball rolling!! Would be grateful for any advice on instruction and local sites etc?

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