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Landing /take off on a sloping site


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One for the experienced pilots please.....

This field runs (example in picture but not actual field 9_9 ) from North (trees in view)  to South . The top section is relatively flat so i can land on the flat section if the wind is in the right direction so ok if its no wind or N or S.

With a Westerly I can launch down the nice slope....... and land on the down slope...

Tricky one (as i see it) is with an Easterly wind i will have to run uphill during take off :o and land uphill :S which isn't good for the ankles or your inbuilt glide scope.

Are there techniques for this type of scenario / IE - Don't fly when there is a Easterly ? Or Slide it in on ya bum etc etc ? Will i be able to do an uphill launch ? :coptor:


Thanks ! 







Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 13.32.05.png

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I often fly early morning on beaches as there are no people. Prob is that sometimes the 24 hours sea breeze gets interrupted overnight and I have a very slight breeze off the land. In places the soft sand is as steep as your field above. Take-offs are fine. Once you have built up speed, climb angle is much greater than the slope.

However, I would never land up a slope, even as shown. Everything happens more quickly. As well as you falling (gliding), the ground is also coming up towards you. I usually fly long enough that normal sea breeze has returned before I do. On the one occasion it didn't, I landed downwind and down the slope. 

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Uphill launches are fine if you are prepared to put the work in! On very light wind days try a downwind westerly launch (again, harder work). Landing on an uphill slope takes some quick thinking and reactions sometimes but is fine once you've done a few of them and are switched on during landing, just be aware of what's at the top of the slope out of sight which may cause turbulence issues and don't do it if the slope is too steep (obviously). Or just find a better site for the days when it's all easterlies.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

As an update on this topic....i've now flown 5 times from this field in the past 4 weeks and twice its been uphill (with the same direction landing)

Its fun ! As you climb the ground climbs with you 9_9 but you have a higher climb rate as long as you keep on full power :ph34r:.

What i've discovered as, at about 80/100 ft, i hit the breeze coming over the ridge of the hill so it makes it even more fun.

Landing is fine on the up slope. Things happen quicker so I flare a little higher.  






Edited by Shorehambeach
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