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Vitorazzi Moster Classic exhaust gasket problem


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It seems there is a trouble with Vitorazzi new exhaust gasket for Moster Classic (the gasket between the engine and the exhaust).

Recently they changed the design of it and removed the central metal ring. This ring was stoping the exhaust gauses from damaging the gasket.

In the period of the last 3 weeks I had a failure of 3 (!) gaskets which burned out in approximately 2 hours after being installed. I blamed myself thinking that I am not tightening them up properly before understanding what happening. Because of the absence of the metal ring the exhaust gauses are burning out the paper-type material of the gasket leading to the fissure betweeb the engine and exhaust, vibrations and so on.

It seems that Vitorazzi distributors have no old type gaskets left. 

It is very disturbing as I have to stop flying till the problem is sold.

Please, if anyone has some spare old type gaskets with the metal ring I will be more than happy to buy it asap.

Any ideas on what material to use making the gasket myself wellcomed as well.


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I have a used one (i never throw anything away!) which could help.

It`s a bit flakey around the stud holes but the centre sealing area and `flame ring` are OK, it looks useable if you are stuck...

If you want to try it - in conjunction with your sealing `jollop` -  PM me an address and i`ll get it in the post.

Do you know if Vittorazi are going to go back to the old version?



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14 hours ago, Ivan said:

Thanks a lot.

I know that Vitorazzi distributor I am buying the parts from was going to write to them about the problem but have not heared anything back yet. 

This is good to know, I was just about to order one. Just aswell I havent been able to contact PJ or id have got one of the duff ones. Cas, are you saying, make the whole gasket out of annealed 1mm copper sheet? fitted dry or with some sort of HT sealant?

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