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Walbro to solo fitting


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dose anyone no the seqence this lot goes together .the white plastic bit has a rubber ring one side and no gutts in the other side ,i am reluctent to put the rubber ring up against the block although its the cool side.second should there be a gasket between the carb and the blue bit or thin film of glue,then there is the linkage to sort but thats another issue.I would like to get it right first time.Hope this makes sence

walbro carb 14-09-2016 002.JPG

walbro carb 14-09-2016 003.JPG

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I would think black gasket between head and Nylon block and o ring seal side to ally spacer, but probably best to use a little not setting sealant as air leaks will result in inconsistent fuel mixture.

 Does picture this help ? 


Edited by kiwi k
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Never seen a solo 210 up close . Do you  have to use 2 spacers . I'm sort of thinking that the white Delrin spacer would be used on a float bowl type carb . Helps stop fuel frothing in the bowl ect . Blue anodised one looks like it's got counter sunk holes that fix it to the cylinder then two more threaded I would guess to take the two studs to hold a diaphragm carb . But this could be absolutely wrong . 

Cas . 

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I am now questioning weather there should b a delrin block.all the ones i have seen use an ally spaced? also the way the delrin block marry,s up to  the inlet port would suggest the Oring fits against the block and the other side of the delrin block that fits up against the blue spacer has got a rebate that will cause a stumble in the fuel flow and isnt laminor .next problem i have is blue spacer to carb ,there looks like a brass ball bearing in the face of the carb that has somthing to do with the air on tickover,and dont think it should be coverd up yet it dose need a gasket to stop air leaking through.I have yet to find on Youtube or any other site a vid that shows how to asemble this setup .Cheer,s guys

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See what you mean ,it might b mounted like that to overcome throttle linkage something i have got to get my head around .Cas mentioned the reason for the blue spacer,its to adapt the Walbro since the mounting holes in the carb are closer together than the holes in the head ,the only thing i am unsure about now is should there b a gasket between the carb and the spacer,and with regards to the derlin block i can only assume that after time they warp and manufactures found that ali was a better job,the joy,s of owning a paramotor,and i aint got round to the fuel lines yet cas but i dont think it,s anything a kettle of hot water wont fix O.o



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