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Posts posted by AndyB

  1. Not often we get virtually no wind up here in Teesside! Great flying up and over the Cleveland hills today. This was especially amazing as I was flying a Parajet Zenith for the first time. My machine is being repaired by Parajet and because it was taking a while they have leant me a machine so I keep my flying appointments. :) Loved every minute of it. :)........and I managed to land 3m from my car (for the first time ever!).


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  2. 3 hours ago, asquaddie said:


    Guess I won't complain about just my two bursting out then.  Sorry to hear, but I guess you get tired of hearing all this etc....

    I'm on Oxylan and Gabapentin, which is now maxed out too, so now just have to grin and bear it until my appt in Sept,  I'm the same too, can only stand or sit for about 1 minute or 2 then need to lay down until it wears off.

    This is not a medical forum - so let's shut up and get on with flying.

    I am hoping for an op so could be up and straight ready to go again, but maybe this is a warning and I don't want to live in a wheel chair later on in life, but I do want to get back up in the air again.   So maybe a trike/microlight is the best way to go.  In a way, it brightens the day up researching and looking at all the different options. 

    Good luck and hope to see you in the air as soon as possible :-)


    My worry with trike is that a landing could be much harder on my back. I can't even go on roller coasters with seats any more cos the seat transmits g force directly into the spine. The thing with legs is they do some flexing when needed. :) Avoid any ops if you can.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Casper said:

    AndyB just wow... How the hell did you get the idea to fly ppg with a back like that? Can't imagine how a hard landing would feel...

    I always hear the excuse "I can't start with paramotor because I have back pain already". You are definitely an exception.

    When something nearly kills you, then it gives you the kick to go do everything you want to, while you still can. Yes, my back hurts like crap all day every day, but I now fly, walk, cycle and swim. Keeping really fit is the key. I am now as strong as an Ox and the super tough back muscles help keep everything in place. I discussed PPG with my surgeon before going for it last year!

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  4. Tony,

    I have Scheuermann's disease which started when I was 18.  I have 8 discs burst now and 14 that are flat and hard (immobile). As you will know, when a disc first goes it is 10/10 pain. However, after a while it subsides a little and with effort you can mind over matter the pain. That scan I had last week shows one disc "missing". The vertebrae are rubbing on each other now and sliding sideways. I can stand for about 5 mins then pain gets back to 10 and I have to sit down immediately. I was in a wheelchair until 4 years ago when had another 3 ops and 5 months in hospital. Having been so ill, that was what made me determined to get walking and learn to fly! Now I am going to keep walking and foot launching as long as I can! 

    As for the drugs, they only work for a few weeks, then the dose needs doubling. I got upto 600mg morphine a day. I came off it last August and the pain was the same. the drugs were doing nothing other than make me feel like I was living under water and everything was muffled. I now use Medipen. Much better. :)


  5. I looked at it but the design was very uncomfortable for large people like me. This was easily solved by moving the hang point for the harness forward about 50 mm. I decided not to go for this trike because I like weight shift and this type of trike removes it.


  6. All carabiners come with a kN, or kiloNewton rating engraved into the spine. If you have carabiners without a kN rating DO NOT use them.

    Usually about 21 or 22 KN.....so 2100 Kgs each. This is with the carabiner closed. If they are open then usually about 1/3 of strength.

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