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Posts posted by coggie49

  1. Hello, I occasionally do extra work for a company called starnow, they provide extras for adverts and promo films, I would gladly be in your film :D


    Hello Dave.

    Sorry mate but I had to read your post above twice, I thougfht it said your was an extra in "Porno Films" :D


  2. Simon.


    If I can get Saturday off work and

    If the weather is Good and a I bring my wing

    is there any chance of doing a first flight at ther Fly-in?


    Do you need any help on Friday setting up?


  3. You know I'm only joking mate, remember I've seen you fly :o

    Would really like to come but working Saturday and Sunday, might get up there for an overnight on Friday if I'm lucky, would really love to be there, dont know if Tim is going to make it, havn't spoke to him for a while, but I know he wants to get his first one in the bag.

    Dave 8)

  4. Hello Mike

    Just looking at your post and I see you come from Leicestershire but you are posting on the Northampton Site?

    Myself and Tim both went to France on the PMC course earlier this year, and both of us are ready for first flights ( its a weather and time thing stopping us) can't speak for Tim at the moment but I'm sure he wouldn't mind meeting up for a pint and a natter in the near future, if you PM me your landline number I'll give you a call.


  5. The LZ will be marked on the ground in Talc.

    Look for a big white circle when you arrive.

    SW :D


    Will that spot be big enough for EDWARDC to do one of his spot landings? :D


  6. If you want to see some steel work

    look in my personal pics

    Pete b

    Hello again Pete

    Just took a look at your steelwork pictures, your still a lightweight mate, next time we meet ( for that free beer ) we can discuss how much we are both worth at todays scrap prices !!!


  7. Pete, so what is the summary of your injuries?

    Broken Tib & Fib in the left leg?

    What about burns to your arms - or are they ok?

    1st degree mostly due to the quick cooling at the time, with third degree on left elbow. :(

    Once again thanks to all that were there and those that have sent good wishes. :)

    I owe a few beers at this fly in me thinks

    Pyrotechnic Pete

    To boldly go where no paramotorist has gone before :shock:

    Hi Pete.

    What are you like? glad to hear your fighting back mate, and glad to hear your buying the beer next week, we can't miss the Fly-in now can we !!! :D


  8. I would be very surprised if the miscreant wasn't a resident or friend/relative of a resident of Draycott showing off.

    There can't be many paramotor pilots in that area so I'm sure that you will discover their identity at some stage.

    Until then, be happy!!! :D

    Best regards,



    I think its a case for education not accusation, when you find the pilot involved, have a nice word with them and point out the problem, with the right approach I'm sure you could sort this out and maybe end up with someone to fly with in your area.

    We had this problem 25 years ago with Microlights, but those involved now are good and careful pilots, and friends.


  9. Hi Alan

    I think we could start a new section on here for the retired and over 55s, and call it the "Wrinkly Flyers Section"

    Where we could discuss all that used to be good in the world and hip joints and things like that. LOL :lol::D


  10. Good luck with the trip, can you get enough in the outback or can ground support carry enough or can you run on both bio fuel and petrol? has it been tried and tested already?

    Another wild idea is write to a couple of the big fuel giants. You could see if they would be willing to sponsor a few pounds to trial eco friendly fuel across the Australian outback as its bound to end on TV? Or failing that maybe write to a couple of large motor companies, a nice big 4x4 supporting paramotoring across the outback. Sounds like a good gimmick for an advert :D

    I like both the ideas above, like they say "if you don't ask, you don't get" it worth a try.


  11. I think Ian has just about covered it, but having spoken to some of the T2T guys when we were in France, I have nothing but admiration for them, as Leoibb puts it they just run and run and run, and why did they because on most occasions they were almost double their body weight with all the gear, and as Ian also said taking off in conditions that some people wouldn't even walk their dogs in, don't you just love armchair critics? :x


  12. Hi Steve.

    I think you should use the Superman t-shirt as your forum photo :D . your blog was a good read.

    I'm not far behind you, just waiting for the right weather at the flagpole and away, fingers crossed, did my taining in France with Whitters and the rest of the "Fodder Five"


  13. Thank you all.

    I did not realise how tiring and sometimes worrying it can be, but very rewarding when you put someone in the air on thier first flight

    Hi Pete.

    I was a driving instructor for three years and I still remember ever pupil I sent for test :?: , so i have a good idea how you feel, but the feeling is great when they get it right. :D:D:D

    Well done again mate.


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