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Posts posted by learner_driver

  1. Hi Bignose,

    thanks for the motor some kind chap called Geoff from Paramotorsuk swapped me an extra large harness which was new and I flew tonight. conditions were stunning smooth as silk


    motor worked well and had me up in no time. I can't wait for the extra 10 kg thrust from the 130.

    I will keep the cage mine flies in, but good luck, sourcing one


  2. Hi Hedge bender,

    thanks for that link. I was only really interested perhaps in the frame maybe in the future. As I am now the hopefully happy owner of a secondhand SMN 122.

    I have started it up it sounds lovely. I will hopefully fly tomorrow, just need to swap my harness. I now have a 1.5 year old Parajet for sale if anyone fancies 15hrs. please see the classifieds.

    I thought these links may help others

    cheers simon

  3. yes the synth is surprisingly faster than my revolution. The key point is that I was maxxed on the rpm on that too.

    even with the trims in on the synth I cruise at 6800 RPM which is still very high but better than the revo as you would expect as it only had 30 sq M.

    I am in no hurry, as everything works fine but all petrolheads will naturally gravite towards more power. Just bought a 300BHP 1.2 tonne car. Its much safer for overtaking :mrgreen:

  4. Simon

    Evo's about 2 grand. Get a lighter frame to put it in though. It's a touch heavier than the mini 2 and you'd soon end up building yourself something so heavy, your knees would walk out on strike.

    How heavy are you? (if you dont mind me asking!! :oops: )


    I weigh a slim = 127kg

    wing = 10 kg

    reserve = 5KG

    clothes instr = 3 KG

    motor dry = 28 KG

    total = 173 KG

    cheers Pete, I just need to wait for a secondhand one to turn up.

    I did see the black devil for sale at £1200 on some microlight site

    but will no doubt produce a similar power to mine.

    My thoughts on motors are that I love my parajet, it revs out fine up to max rpm but there is not enough thrust to keep me up at 70% power. I love the machine otherwise starts first time every time.

    I am alas operating in the fuel inefficient mode for an engine all the time and cannot deal with heavy sink by using the throttle.

    Has anyone ever got much more from a different prop without hurting the engine.

    Also getting up I prefer an aggressive clib rate rather than a powerline flirty type one :wink:

    Macey - its Simon I met you in the car park and bought your revo. I sold it and bought the 42sq metre Cabrio :shock:

    Perhaps I have more wind resitance than you.

  5. Hi All,

    this question I was going to ask of Pete B however, one way and another I never got the chance to ask him at the flyin. Rather than ring Pete, I thought the forum may appreciate the information.


    Can I stick a more powerful engine on my Macro frame ?

    will it be an easy swap?

    how much is a http://www.simonini-flying.com/mini2evo_eng.htm,

    are there any secondhand ones available? if so where

    My macro is fine but I am running at 90% rpm for straight and level.

    I would prefer that were 70%, I love power too :D

    does anyone have any other suggestions

    thanks Simon

  6. I personally am setting myself the personal challenge of being the most drunk person at the flyin.

    let me know if there are any challengers. :mrgreen:

    Roaring drunk -- when you have achieved this state you must place both arms in the air and announce that you are in fact roaring drunk

  7. A Tip from the Skydivers.

    This weekend and forever more, if you get the chance to help someone to get airborne.

    do everyone a favour and do a preflight with them its apparently what they do in skydiving.

    you can't jump in skydiving without doing a joint preflight check

    All I mean is check the obvious straps

    riser connections

    speedbar is connected

    Tip steering is secure

    Pilot is not wearing a tie

    no loose bits string

    etc the stuff you do for yourself

    trimmers in the closed position.

    if we all adopt this flying can only be safer.

    thanks to skydiver Eddie for this tip

    lets all try this weekend



  8. Thanks for the video, it looks lovely, two things however.

    I was hoping to remain in contact with the earth whilst flicking round corners and doing big jumps. you look like you are flying proper.

    also does your wing have a trimmers on it ?

    Cheers Simon


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