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Posts posted by PatPux

  1. Looking good, James! You might be better off with floats, though!

    You're high enough to be above all the stuff on the levels, though, aren't you?

    I've been using the wet weather too, modifying one of those ally hop ups to work as a trolley for getting the stuff out to the field and then a decent height platform once out there, to save grovelling around in the mud to get into the harness.

    I've gone for a slightly bigger wheel (260mm dia) to cope with the field grass, but a little more weight isn't an issue for me.

  2. People tend not to thread lock the props on because they have to remove them each time for transportation.

    SW :D

    And if you do remove them for transportation, by definition you're checking them every one or two hours, in any case. In my limited experience I haven't found anything in the slightest loose on the prop when I come to dismantle.

    The spring washers have been on and off many times and they still have some "spring" left I them , ie they're not completely flat.

    I suppose a well balanced prop is pretty important, too, in this respect.

    I think in these circumstances one should be worrying most about not over tightening the steel bolt/ ally hub connection and knackerring the threads.

    It's a Parajet Macro V2 BTW

  3. Fantastic, it's just great isn't it. Someone said to me tonight, when I was telling him about flying " Yes, but what is going to keep you interested in it , when you've master it?"

    I then showed him one of my videos of a flight over a frosty Wiltshire. And he was just gob smacked, even a pretty average video was enough to convince.

    Then, of course, we've still got to master it anyway!

  4. Of course, it's obvious now.

    Whilst on the subject, what is the best advice on keeping the wing clean

    Apart from the obvious don't get it wet or dirty in the first place, which equates to fly only on bone dry summer days with no dew!

    I think I know never to use any sort of soap detergent or solvent, but rinsing it all in warm water as often as you like is OK.

    I always make sure mine is dry before I pack it, but should I be fastidious about sponging ever last big of dirt off it every time or is the act of sponging worse than leaving it?

    Does washing if affect the porosity of the material?

    Questions, questions?

  5. Well blow me, the first flight was the same afternoon - Tuesday.

    I was checking the motor over in the garage thinking "it's brightened up somewhat, the sun is shining".

    It's been 10 and a half weeks so although it was cold I was well chuffed.

    Just a little pootle about 25 minutes and then a great landing, a couple of steps to come to a halt. Well timed with the daylight as well.

    Back home for a celebratory beer :mrgreen:


    Nice one. That checking the motor thing..........ditto.......if I'd flown as many hours as I'd spent in the garage " checking" I'd be a veteran pilot by now.:D

  6. DAY 27 11th January Flight 13


    Everyone saw this one coming, it was being talked about on forums, picked up on Facebook and bemoaned by those stuck at work -

    A perfect flying day in the unrelenting sequence of storms rolling in from the North Atlantic.

    And so it was, wall to wall clear blue sky with a 6kn Westerly breeze. Just perfect for a plan I had to fly from Membury back East to home in Pangbourne and land away from my training base for the first time.

    The logistics needed sorting a bit , drop car at landing field, cycle home, pack another car, drive to Membury, fly, land, pack up and the most challenging part - persuade Sally to drive me back to Membury to pick the car up. We won't discuss the carbon footprint of this sport!








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