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Posts posted by PatPux

  1. 16-8 volt Lithium Ion spun it fast.

    16-8 lion? What is that?

    I use a 3S nominal 11.1v (and a peak voltage of 12.75 at full charge and no load.)

    That is the size supplied as standard for Parajet , available here at fraction of PJ cost

    http://www.buildyourowndrone.co.uk/3S-L ... ah-35c.htm.

    This will give 147A continuous and 294A burst discharge

    I actually use a slightly smaller 3000mAh/20C one and that still delivers plenty of oomph. This will still give a continuous discharge of 60A and a burst discharge of 120A which is fine for 250W starter needing 20A nominal

    And I use PB's suggested dead ignition spin up method.

  2. Interesting. I was told last weekend that it wasn't necessary to have thrown away my 3lts of fuel that had been layed up in my tank for 8 weeks since my last flight. This would appear to contradict that.

  3. I have a pair of the Blaze wear pro gloves and they were useless with the supplied batteries. So I've replaced them with 7.4v lipo batteries and they are toasty now. They actually get too warm sometimes and you have to turn them off.

    The x1s liners linked above come with 7.4v lipos as standard

  4. So, I see the fitment for my Macro is 3MG14556, which is made specifically, for Parajet for that application. Does that mean your not going to be able to find it cheaper from a factor?

    Where would/do you source them from, Pete?

  5. Completely regardless of your opinions on the BHPA

    I attended the BHPA revision lecture prior to taking my pilot power exam yesterday;

    I had my name down for that and was sorry to miss it, but I had to take my first opportunity in eight weeks and continue my flying training, so I spoke to Michel mid-week and he agreed I could be flexible depending on the weather. What a reasonable bloke.

    I hope he does another one down South soon.

    Was it well subscribed?

  6. It was strung from the front door right through the hall, then on into the dog room. Dogs, not happy they had to be banished. Me sweating cobs with the heating on. (Another hidden cost of Paramotoring!)

    Still, nearly returned to crispiness now, an overnight airing and it can be packed up.:D

  7. DAY 24 16th November Flight 10

    To paraphrase an old aviation adage " A good flight is any flight where you dont damage yourself or the aircraft" on those criteria, it was a good flight,but thats where the goodness ends, I'm afraid.

    I am definitely not over that cusp in training where 8 weeks without a flight doesnt make a difference!

    It was a near nil wind day with what little there was coming from W to SW and it took me 5 goes to get up. :roll:

    Not really the demonstration I should have been giving to the three new Guys and Girl there for their first day,but Hey, we dont want them getting a rose tinted view of the sport, now, do we?

    No 1 - Not pointing into what wind there was

    No 2 - Lack of committment on the throttle at the critical moment

    No 3 - Ditto and my first face plant, but luckily no £300 sound of splintering carbon :fail:

    Quick breather

    No 4 - Not pointing into what wind there was, getting boring now

    No 5 - Thankfully a decent forward nil wind launch, perhaps a bit more push on the As to overcome that hanging back thing

    Then I had a real struggle getting into the seat. I think it being my first time with the bulk a flying suit a bit more harness adjustment required, problem is I'm not sure there is any more! Some serious tugging once I had some altitude got me in , in the end

    The plan had been to do a 20 mile triangular course NE to Woolley Park, South to Welford Park and West back to Membury, but straight away it was clear that the viz was way too low and added to that the cloud ceiling was only about 700ft AGL, so I turned west and just pottered around the Airfield.

    I had a great view of the massive convoy of one of the old boilers? from the de-commissioned Didcot Power Station on its slow journey to Bristol Docks and then scrapping in the Far East, I suppose. No photos I'm afraid, I still dont seem to be able to manipulate equipment out of pockets in flight

    It was now getting a bit damp, not out and out rain but a heavy mist was enough to start feeling wet on my face and it was time to get down.

    Came in over the West end of the field, killing my motor once over the field, I tried to remember my previous good landing , resisting the urge to flare too early. I probably committed 10ft too high, but I still levelled out nicely but lacked enough brake authority and just failed to land on my feet, but not a bad one at all.

    So I'm glad to have flown again but I need a few more in quick succesion to ensure the learning stays ingrained.




  8. Might save others some googling in the future, below is what I found out.

    I was looking for a belt for a V2 Macro but I would think you could find just about any belt . Just read off the belt and reference below, the coding is pretty universal across the brands.

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