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Posts posted by poz

  1. You're absolutely right Alan. Tremendous video, so immersive.

    When the camera angle is a little low, I do find myself lifting my head, like it's going to effect the angle of the camera :roll:

    It would be nice to have a non-paramotor 'video of the day' thread, because there are so many cool vids out there now.



  2. Also, you should consider the Paramania Revolution. Now they have brought out the revo2, you should be able to pick up one pretty cheap.

    I learned on this wing and it was superb. I've now got the revo2 and it's been brilliant so far.

    A lot of people buy the wing that they learned on for obvious reasons.

    Good luck with your choice.


  3. Hi Lee.

    Tricky business this learning to paramotor lark :wink:

    I've been 'learning' for 16 months now and in my experience the best lessons are the ones that hurt the most, like the lesson about starting the paramotor on the ground. It took my shoulder meeting up with a 7000rpm spinning prop to learn about that proceedure. That took a few months and a few dozen hospital visits to heal, so I do know where you're coming from.

    It sounds like you just got the master class on using C's and D's to kill your wing. I bet you won't forget it, albeit a little more dramatic than just being told about it.

    Don't let any of this put you off.

    Keep up the blog.



  4. ...and I bet the whole day cost less than €15

    Aren't we lucky to have such a great, inexpensive (relative to other forms of flying) pastime.

    I was up as well yesterday, beach flying with a mate. Crackin' day.

    I would post the superb video footage I took...except I didn't. I somehow managed to switch the camera off just before launch :cry:

    Get some video posted Allan!



  5. I would love to post some of my videos on here but won't due to likely comments I would receive. I guess I'll keep them for private eyes.

    Great video by the way.

    You have just put into words what I was afraid might happen.

    We all enjoy watching others videos, and right or wrong, usually the most borderline clips are the ones that get the most views. For example look at this post, it's had more views than any other video post for a long time.

    Those pilots that like to fly controversialy will continue to regardless of whether they feel able to post their vids here or any critical comments they recieve, such as with this post.

    I have to admit I've made a couple of comments about what I considered to be reckless flying vids in the past, but I find that these days I've just gotten over myself and now just enjoy them without comment.

    I'm saying nothing here about right or wrong, I simply like watching others videos and would find it a shame if people stopped posting them because of fear of judgement by the angry amongst us.


  6. I think that this video is absolutely outrageous and should be banned from YouTube :evil: ....in fact I think that any video uploaded at less than 720p should be banned :)

    Great content though, apart from the bit at 2:28 where you used one of those horrible editing effects that makes me feel queasy.

    Looks like a fun day.

    Thanks for posting and keep 'em coming


  7. Nice one :P now at last its as good as an ATC9K

    Apart from the ATC9K's smaller sensor, editing difficulties, cheap build quality, crappy mounts....ermmm, yeah I think they're about as good as each other :wink::lol:

  8. Music got my foot a tappin... :D ...isnt beach and dune flying just the best..... :D:D

    I tell ya, I discovered paramotoring last Sunday. I've never felt anything like it :D:D:D

    Now I just want more :lol:

    That looks a real fun place to fly! Is the site far from you?

    Sod organising a flyin here...we should organise a fly in there away from all this crappy damp stuff :)

    Great music, and im under 40!

    The site's 40 minutes from me but unfortunately it looks like rain for the next fortnight :cry:

    However, a weekend flyin (squeezyjet or Ryanair) around May/June is almost guaranteed to be a weather success. Could be food for thought :idea:

  9. Just found a great beach to fly on. On a Sunday it's like a thrill seekers playground with all the bikes, quads, 4x4's etc. Everyone seems to be very cool about PPG's.

    I took some video with my new Panasonic SD600. It can film at 1080p/50fpm but is not happy about being edited and the post edited quality indicates that I might as well stick to normal 1080p/25fpm.


    Music prob not to everyones taste, but if you're over 40,you'll most likely remember them.

    Hope you enjoy :)


  10. The vid was made in time lapse.

    Anyone with a Go-Pro has this option :-) very effective when not over used in my humble opinion :-)

    Same can be said for Fish Eye go-Pro's the fish eye can get boring very quickly I find.

    SW :D

    Agreed. IMO anything that differs from what and how the eye sees things is a novelty at first, but ultimately gets annoying and you find yourself wanting to see normal, high quality footage, as close as possible to what the eye sees.

    Having said that, I really enjoyed that video. Thanks Clive

    Takes a lot of patience to stand there pressing the shutter every 6 seconds for 10 hours at a time :D

  11. For those that want to be seen but can't be arsed to play around shrinking pictures, a free, very simple way to get a program to do it for you.


    So now you have to look at my ugly mush trying to look like someone else is taking my picture....at a thousand feet....on my own :oops: Yes I know, but everyone else does it....don't they?

    Anyway, hope this helps someone else like it helped me :D


  12. Hi Whitters

    I tried several editing packages when I got my Panasonic digital camera which produces AVCHD video. Non of them really wanted to know until I came across Cyberlink Powerdirector which thankfully didn't have any problem at all with this format.

    Then I got my GoPro and again no problem for PD8.

    I got a Panasonic SD600 video cam for Xmas which films in 1080p/50. They warn that filming at this resolution is very difficult to edit, but, once again no problem for Powerdirector :D

    I've just upgraded to PD9 and it's even better.

    You can download the program for free on a trial basis to see if it suits.

    Hope this helps


  13. Hi Alan

    Enjoyed your video much. Really interesting for me as I recognised the landscape. In fact I've had a few very nice meals at the pub at 4:40.

    Swapped Bury for Marbella 4 years ago, before I started PPG, but would love to have a fly with you guys if I ever manage to get back with my kit.

    It looks like you've got the same wing as me (Revo2) or is yours the fusion.

    Anyway, well done for showing that we've got more than excellent black pudding around Bury!

    ps 0:30 secs in, where are you flying over? I feel I should recognise it, but just can't get my bearings.



  14. Hi Poz,

    If your cutting down a bolt to size put a nut on it down to the level you want it to be grind or cut the exess off then when you take the nut off it will clean up the threads for you.

    Hope that helps.

    Cheers col.....

    Tried it and it worked a treat.

    Thanks for that Col.

    So after much fiddling about I now have an attachment to convert my GoPro helmet mount to take a standard tripod camera thread (together with safety cord in case I f**ked up and don't know it yet :roll: )



  15. for times when I want something other than really wide angle.


    Interesting, but I am getting a little bored of the massive amount of wide angle footage around.

    It makes normal footage a pleasure to watch.

    SW :D

    I agree, although you can get away with a lot more with the wide angle view. Especially when it mounted on top of your head.

    I've just ordered a Panasonic SD600 (£400 squid on Amazon) Full HD 1080p @ 50f/s and 14mp stills (3mp freeze frame stills) + remote The reviews and sample footage are awesome. Really looking forward to trying it out in the sky.

    If anyone has any tips about using a camcorder from a PPG, would love the heads up. Thought about mounting it on top of a flight deck, so I can see what I'm filming.



  16. Thanks Gary, appreciate that offer. Actually I have got a 1/4" bolt which I can cut down. I did think about that as an option, but without a vice ....or a hacksaw it's going to be tricky to do without ruining the thread.

    Come to think of it, it's about time I got a vice. Now I've got a reason :)



  17. Not sure if I have a mental block here, but I cannot seem to solve my little mounting problem.

    I have a GoPro with the mount firmly stuck to the top of my helmet. However, although the Go Pro is great, I would like to be able to mount my Panasonic camcorder on my helmet for times when I want something other than really wide angle.

    Without resorting to drilling a hole in my Icaro helmet, does anyone have any suggestions of how to go about it.

    I wish GoPro did a male tripod adapter. They do a female adapter to allow you to mount your GoPro on a tripod.



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