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Has anyone got one?

I just managed to blag one at silly money in exchange for some cool footage of some Paramotoring and heli flying, for DJI to use in there next promo video :-) :-) :-)

It all came from a pre purchase support question about wind drag and general aerials / issues with. :-) should arrive on Monday!


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Not like a go pro? Thats the last thing I was expecting to hear.

This video was made with the X3 (same camera) no grading or editing. Whack it on Full HD, wait for it to load up and enjoy :-)

This footage has been used for TV.




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Ahhhh, cool. :-)

Was gonna say!

X3 V go pro... no comparison for end result.

have you uploaded anything from it yet that I may be able to peek at?? (non of that sketchy stuff with the misses though please)


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Ahhh yes, shit... sorry dude :-(

Maybe I will let you know then instead :-)

Surprised not more people have one for PPG, I think it's just perfect for the job when it comes to online vids.


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O my that's more than impressive!

So today we had a busy training day, with a load of flights and I just HAD to try out the OSMO.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttt!!!!! that's one very very clever bit of kit!!!

Stability tests as far as I am concerned MATCH THAT of £20k rigs I have seen at Pinewood! The only limitation being of course the lack of a big 'phat' camera.

Vibration testing I have not done yet but hope to in the next few days. ( I think it will fail a little here )

I recon it will be PERFECT for hand held paramotor shots in flight. (Filming at 4k allows a 33% reduction in size) (Digital zoom) and it will still be the same quality as 1080p so you can afford a slightly wider shot for playing with in edit.

All in all... I was running with it today and with a technique that looks a little silly, but can be learned in seconds (and most likely developed upon) RAIL like footage can be acquired with ease.

This little tiny rig, with the X3 for personal use, X5 for pro use with RAW 4K high bit rates, camera options in my opinion is just way out there with the best kit that costs £20K +++ which I have also filmed with.

Bonkers.. just bonkers.

Summery, for flying this will be perfect hand held to eliminate vibration better than anything I have used to date.

Helmet mounting not an option but hey.... who's still helmet mounting anyway? by film 2 or 3 its very boring indeed (helmet mounting is like sooooo, yesterday... lolol)

Youtubers, filmakers, you need this in your life. :-)


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I plan to either get up early tomorrow before busy mode kicks in, or when KENI gets delivered back in a couple of days :-)

I am going to mount it to a skid to test the vibration damping if KENI, or hold it against an arm if Paramotor. :-)


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