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Hi all, I'm Sam and like the other new guy below I thought I'd introduce myself in here as I'm from Worcester and will eventually be attending the malverns and surrounding areas!

I start my training in paragliding next week and aim to complete the course and move on to paramotoring. So I thought I'd say hi here.

I've seen a few guys flying around the powick area is that anyone from here?

Would love to come view some up close next time your there!

Sam :D

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Hi are you in the malvern hangliding and paragliding club to fly the malverns.have you joined the malvern,hangliding and face book group,,we dont have the powick feild to fly at mo.but have other feilds,yes come along when we are next out.get on the ppg groups on fb.the malvern club is a very good club plenty of help from its coaches/members for you.were in worcester are you from im in claines..

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Hi jock thanks for your advice, currently only on here as of today and will get myself on the malvern clubs and pages too.

Where else do you go now? I'm in warndon villages so not to far from you.

Really looking forward to getting started! I can see myself being out at any available moment weather permitting of course.

Has anyone on here ever built a paramotor from parts? Are they fairly straightforward?


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I have seen a few home build projects on the forum over the last couple of years but if honest most were basic. I would advise that if you are thinking of this to cut cost of getting into the sport than the better option is to buy a good quality secondhand machine. If you like the idea as a project once you have some flying experience and you have good mechanical skills then go for it but is not really a cost saving more of a personal design that suits your needs which you will only get once you have flown for a while.



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I started out motoring on a home built setup I made using a water cooled Rotax 125. The experiences and lessons I learnt from building and flying my own machine were pretty satisfying. BUT after I got to version number 3 and still had a issue of being able to keep the frame strong enough to handle the stresses from the engine and be light enough to man handle on my back, I decided this project was now absorbing good airtime. So I swallowed my pride and purchased a factory built machine and have never looked back. These companies invest a lot of time and money into the R&D of our machines, and it's not until you have a go at building one you realise they are not as simple as they look! Biggest issues encountered were torque management and strength vs weight.

Cheers Adam

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