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A couple of us are starting to fly in the Farnborough area (obviously not from TAG :D ), having trained last October in Spain .

Our main site is likely to be Barrys Field in Guildford, we wondered who is still active in the area and if there are any other locations people know of?

We already know about Basingstoke Common but seems less than ideal for a regular site.



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hi , me and a mate fly from barrys also . we have the same problem of finding good sites . barrys would be perfect if you could fly around the field

instead of going over to hogs back before going above 1000ft . but not low enough to anoy locals . so vario is a must .

rgs cas

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Yeah it sounds like its only a few people that take issue, but thats noramally the case.

I tried to get in touch with the private strip west of Frensham pond, and got hold of a chap who has a light aircraft there through a friend. He didn't say no but I could read between the lines and wasn't forthcoming with the owner of the field...

The other problem is Barry doesnt seem keen on early flights, and at the moment all the OK weather seems to be in the morning. We chickened out last Sunday afternoon, was probably flyable.


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Steve, might also be worth trying the private strip at Tongham. Can't remember who owns it but there are sone business units there so worth visit/chat. Otherwise head down to Hook, that strip looks well under used these days.

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Did think of this place (Do you mean Manor Farm?) but ruled it out on the basis of being even closer to TAG and I think its under the heli approach to TAG. Theres also a lot more people around and the Hogs Back Brewery (lots of visitors) is close - i.e I expected some trouble :-).

Theres also White Land Farm, GU10 1BU just of the Hogs back which might also be worth a visit..


Not sure if its still active but was on the hit list once we have a few more flight in us. Don't fancy that close to the M3 untill I trust my engine :-). Its called Scotland Farm if I remember correctly.

Is a few years old but some forum chatter about it here:

http://forums.flyer.co.uk/viewtopic.php ... a&start=15

Think we might pop down to Barrys this evening and see if the wind calms down enough.


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Got my anemometer and big boy pants ready!

When we finished our course in Spain last autumn confidence was high after a few cross countries....6 months later after finally getting wings and kit sorted in the UK this first flight has become a way bigger deal than it should be...


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Well weather was fine but we got there a bit late and as with all new kit spent too much time faffing about. Got the engines warmed up and ready, felt a bit rushed and did one aborted launch. At that point the light was starting to fade and we decided to knock it on the head.

Was trying to decide if we were chickening out but we both work in aviation so know all about swiss cheese holes! Always next time and days are getting longer..

Still, got all the gear out and got used to it. Turns out an Iphone strapped to your leg doesnt work for me when runnng so need to re think that.


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Well worth the effort Steve and a good call. Im in scotland for a week but you guys must get your asses down to my place soon and if you havent flown by then we can go through your kit etc. several flying site options down here.

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We both opted for new 26m Ozone Roadster 2s, were orignially going to get Revos but supply issues knocked that on the head...

I got a second hand zenith thor 100 which has 15-20 hours on it, and have spent the winter sorting it out - hadnt been treated brilliantly but its what came up at the time and very happy with it now (other than it being fiddly to put together....now need a van aswell!)

Paul got a second hand volution 2 with a top80 in it with only a few hours on it, might be a bit small for him long term but its again what was on the market at the time.


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  • 4 weeks later...

We have finally got airborne!

Thursday night was perfect weather, there early this time and was ready to go by 7pm - the field hadn't been mowed so stuck using a small area to the side but went for it anyway knowing landing would be in knee high grass.

The wind was a little variable and Paul took a long run to get up as he couldn't avoid running through the longer grass but got up safe and sound, I was lucky with a bit of wind and reverse launched and got up within a short distance.

Headed east before going over the hogs back checking the wings out, only issue was radio comms (we have sena 20s bluetooth intercoms and they didn't work as well as expected).

Headed down to Elstead and I managed to check out the full trim range and tip steering (now need to fit the accelerator as I want faster!).

Sadly just short of Hankley common Pauls motor died (we think top80 too lean and getting hot) and he managed to land safely in a field (with inquisitive cows to boot!).

I headed home at this point, very happy with a low wind safe landing in knee high grass and went to pick him up. The Roadster 2 comes in a lot faster than my training wing but the flare is very nice on it - much more defined.

All in all an eventful first flight in UK airspace, small take off space, XC, new wings and motors, an engine out, and cows (on video). But all safe and have broken the duck. Locals who went to find Paul as they saw him come down were very interested, Pauls now a (very) local celebrity. Fingers crossed for Sunday...

Flight 17 and 9.5hrs in the log book.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of us landed out at Elstead on the way to hindhead, surprised you didn't see us!

We fly from Barry's field north of the hogs back. Its on west flexiford lane. He charges £10 landing fee which is fine, although the grass hasn't been cut for a while and was a bit tricky getting up on Tuesday. His number is 07884261108, just give him a call if you want to visit.

Its not an ideal site as its 'up and out' and we could do with something else aswell locally.

Somewhere around Elstead would be great if you can find a field we can do circuits etc on.

We both have 17-18 flights (2 in UK since training) and around 10hours so still novices ourselves. I will PM you the next time we are flying if you want come up with us your more than welcome.


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Hey guys,

Just so you know, Andy Shaw at Green Dragons Paragliding in Warlingham, Surrey is keen to get Paramotor pilots there to start/form a club.

There will be an annual charge for access to the site (so that he can keep the farmer from turning the paramotor field into a horse paddock) but he's really welcoming and is eager to get more pilots flying there. It's a fantastic site on the top of the North Downs with views over London and easy access out to flights all over Surrey and into Kent.

He held a good fly-in there last year.

I said I'd post a message here...so if you are interested in coming along to fly there, let me know or give him a call.

It's the first stable flying site we've had in this area for a long time.

Just FYI - You will probably need some form of insurance (BHPA, PMC, Other) to be able to fly there.

But it's a good idea to have some form of insurance anyway.

All the best


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys, I normally fly in Wiltshire, but I'm working in West Byfleet, so looking for some flying buddys and possible take off landing sites in the area, so I can squeeze some cheeky after work flights if pos... I've been flying for a few years now and it would be good to meet some new people!

Do you guys fly from White Lane Farm?



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It was on our list of places to try but no not from White Lane Farm.

Barry's field is on West Flexiford lane to the North East (see earlier post). I thought White Lane Farm would be a better place (near main road so less likely to be a noise complaint) but haven't got round to approaching them yet.

I need to run my engine before I fly again but hoping to get up next week at some point.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Steve,

Thanks for getting back to me with the details for Barry's field. Can I PM you to get some more info about the site and the flying area?

I just finished off all my training last week with Andy Shaw at Green Dragons (top bloke and a great place to fly too). All took a bit longer than expected due to weather delays and messing about buying a motor.

Im exploring a few options in the tilford / elstead area with regards to places to fly circuits. Let me know when you are thinking of going up next - it would be good to fly in company so soon after qualifying!



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