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Yesterday I used the CANP system for the first time and although I can see the obvious benefit of notifying others to your presense, it will only cover you for a maximum of a one nautical mile radius of a fixed point up to 1000 agl.

This will be of greater use if ridge soaring in a fairly localised area but flying with power it doesn't offer much protection other than the area of the launch field.

Besides keeping a sharp eye for other traffic what other methods do people adopt?

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This will not 'cover you' for anything.

If submitted before 24 hours a 'recommendation' to avoid is sent out if sent later than 24 hours before 90% of the military pilots wont see it in time.

I am not suggesting it's not worth doing, I just think the selection of wording may mislead :-)

a better idea for PG sites would be to call and get them added to the mil low level maps (which we have done at Membury) which will offer a permanent solution to 'military pilots' but you will always have the civil aviation people who will only read the NOTMAS and a NOTAM for PG or PPG would only be a 'caution, rather than an restricted' Often when we send out NOTAMS for our fly-ins it attracts more attention !!! lol

The best option as you say, is the mark 1 eyeball. :-) :-)


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This topic was supposed to be in the safety section but for some reason it ended up in tech support. That aside I know my choice of words could have been better and I know that using the CANP service does not create an exclusion zone and only an advisory to military pilots.

Would you say that many ppg pilots who regularly fly from the same field adopt the measures that you describe?

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Truth be told I am not sure what other people do in that respect.

For us, it was an actual problem that needed solving. Many other sites may well not have or not identified a problem :-)


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Unless you fly in an area frequented by low level fast jets, CANP is fairly irrelevant. Its not used by military helicopters for example.

If you have a regular site the best bet is to review the sort of low level air traffic you do get and go and liaise with the relevant airfields, organisations or operators directly.

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