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No flying for a bit

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I did the same thing over a year ago, still isn't fully right by a long shot. Take good care of it. With a good pair of Hanwags I could launch and land within a couple of weeks but could barely walk properly without them.

Get a specialist to take a look, I wish I had.


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Not remotely paramotoring, I was stepping off the tractor, put the edge of my heel on a stone and over it went, wearing rigger boots didn't help and I expect if I had been dismounting correctly as recommended by the hse, IE descending backwards with 3 points of contact at all times, I wouldn't have done it!

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I'm in construction, 2nd most dangerous industry after Farming, and we banned rigger boots about 5 years because of the lack of ankle support and those sort of injuries have reduced massively.

Bad luck, none the less, though. Just have to give it some R.I.C.E

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I'm in construction, 2nd most dangerous industry after Farming, and we banned rigger boots about 5 years because of the lack of ankle support and those sort of injuries have reduced massively.

Bad luck, none the less, though. Just have to give it some R.I.C.E

As an acupuncturist the OH would disagree with you on that one, she calls it a 'full' condition as it stiffens up with inactivity and gets easier with use, so rice is good for inital treatment in the first hour or so, (not that I did as I was in the middle of spraying so I just carried on!) . It needs blood flow to promote healing, compression elevation and ice and rest is the complete opposite, no support bandage or tubi grip either, I have a pretty pattern of 'other' bandaging that moves the skin as I walk which is supposed to stimulate the area.

What boots do the industry use now? I tried some Jallatte ones but they only lasted 2 months before the stitching broke and they fell apart, so have gone back to rigger boots. This is the first time in 20 odd years that I have done it.

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Yes! One thing I learned about 1st aid when I used to keep the refreshers up, was that every time you went back the advice on treatments would change.

We don't specify a particular boot, just toe and sole steel protection, good ankle support and NOT RIGGERS!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a similar injury a few years ago and I feel your pain!

Any non complicated fracture, sprain or strain should (if you rest it properly) heal in 6-8 weeks. Plenty of Paracetamol and Diclofenac (when required) will keep the pain and swelling down but the biggest challenge is keeping it still and raised for as long as possible. I was bored stiff after 2 days of rest!

Good luck!


Sent from my iPad using PMC Forum mobile app.

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