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Flash Starter Handle and Line Sucked Through the Prop.


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Had a fabulous time tonight, flew until sunset in calm cold air with a mate, it was almost perfect. Then there was a bang, a multitude of pings as shrapnel hit my cage, the wing jolted as something(s) hit the lines and then an almighty screeching of a ratchet going against its will at high speed. I landed and found the Flash Starter handle and line missing, presumed somewhere over Gelli Gaer Common in kit form. So with the best (and only until now) flying weather approaching I can't start the motor. Was a 'kin good evening though.

I did check the starter during preflight, it was secure and recoiled perfectly. The engine started fine on my back but I guess that must be when the spring failed and line started spewing out.

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Ah have not being here for a while.

Sorry to hear about the starter issue..

Please read this... You are not alone


I have gone back to the original starter and ditched the flash starter.

It does seem to be an issue with several people according to Google. The motor is two years old. I put a new one on and I'm pretty sure the old one never felt like this even when it was new. There may be an inherent fault by the sounds of it, if this one does the same I'll put a regular starter on. Shame though, 'cos it's a nice system.

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