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I'm new! And taking a Paramotor across the Americas...

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Hey everyone, Tyrhone here.

I just finished my training at Blackhawk Ranch in California, unfortunately only 3 days because of unexpected rain in the middle of a drought. I get my wing in a week or so (I hope, we are in Mexico and the postal service is notoriously bad), the velocity Elektra and BH125 with kestrel pro weight shift cage.

So with only 3 days training, although I flew about 5 times, I am still nervous as hell but looking forward to some seriously cool sh!t.

The girlfriend and I are long term travelers and about to drive across Central and South America, now I get to take a paramotor along, which should be pretty damn cool. Of course I know very little about flying but am working on that, and I am looking forward to becoming more competent in my skills, so any help from the people here will be greatly appreciated.

I have a travel blog by the way at http://www.tellthemisaidsomething.com where our adventures are written down and video'd, have a look.

A couple hurdles I am already facing. How the hell to put the harness and agama onto the frame (lots of buckles and what not), finding 2 stroke oil in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. finding a flat open space that isn't covered in jungle, info on how to break the engine in properly (lots of mixed views on this). Fumes which I didn't even think of, we are travelling and generally staying in places without seperate storage.

Fear, this is a big one, although excited I am nervous as hell about doing it on my own, especially since I can't figure out the above, and my take off and landing zone options are poopifyingly small.

Anyways hello everyone, and I look forward to getting to know the community.




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Welcome to the Paramotor Club.

That's one way of introducing yourself and getting noticed :-) :-)

Great intro.

We recently taught a couple of city dwellers to fly Paramotors (and similarly ) they each had 5 flights before flying / attempting to fly from the North to the South East of the UK.

I will make them both aware of this thread as they may be able to offer some advice about the fear aspect like no one else could.

Again, Welcome :-)


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Thanks Simon and Alan,

Wow Simon, and I thought I was being ambitious, would love to see how those fellas went. Just found out my wing is on its way, so lots and lots of kiting for me.

It has been awhile since I have been the new guy at something, I am looking forward to getting some experience under my belt and developing technique, and where better than with people who have been there done that! :)

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