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Wing washing.


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Of course, it's obvious now.

Whilst on the subject, what is the best advice on keeping the wing clean

Apart from the obvious don't get it wet or dirty in the first place, which equates to fly only on bone dry summer days with no dew!

I think I know never to use any sort of soap detergent or solvent, but rinsing it all in warm water as often as you like is OK.

I always make sure mine is dry before I pack it, but should I be fastidious about sponging ever last big of dirt off it every time or is the act of sponging worse than leaving it?

Does washing if affect the porosity of the material?

Questions, questions?

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Washing a wing is never a great idea if you can avoid it.

The school one was totally covered in mud from a few marsh sessions. I kind of had to do it. Its the first time I have ever done it and I will let you know when it's dry if it was worth the effort or not. (it was ALOT of effort!)


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  • 9 months later...
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I ve got a Revo 2 23 that is over 500 hrs...

Its been in the sea umpteen times , and i ve had to stick it in the bath a few times after flying from Morecambe beach / mud !

So long as you dont put detergent anywhere near it , and let it air dry , preferably on a nice day spread out on a lawn/field , it wont suffer at all . Flying and handling are not affected. :D

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Annoyingly it's this time if year when they get wet and sometimes muddy. The days are rarely dry enough to lay a wing out anywhere let alone 6 school wings :-(

I think with normal use that most people would be able to use a sponge and spot clean a wing, but ours get quite dirty through the winter months (sometimes to the point of writing the wing off!)

The bath method worked, but I am convinced there is another, better way that does not involve someone squirting a hose in my face while I ground handle which is sometimes diverted to the wing! lol


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