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'nother newbie! Herts...

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Hi all!

Just working through the decision to let go of my 2 wheels and a motor (its getting dangerous out there!) and swapping for a wing and motor!

Based in Bovingdon, Herts, I see the occasional PPG go over but cant see an active club close by?!

Gonna need some training too, so any advice gratefully received! :D (Have some powerkiting experience! lol :P )


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your in luck, I have been indiscussion with the owner of bovingdon airfield he has agreed in principal to me flying from there, he has had some problems with the council, recently but hopes they will be resolved soon, if all goes well you may have a flying field right on your doorstep, will keep you informed.


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That's very interesting Dave.. Mr Bovvie airfield hasn't been the most accommodating of people from what I've heard of other leisure/sports/pastimes that have expressed an interest in using the airfield in the past so lets hope he likes the idea of PPG!! It would be great venue!

I do have access to a couple of fields but have a long way to go..and yet to take my first step!

Are you local?


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That's very interesting Dave.. Mr Bovvie airfield hasn't been the most accommodating of people from what I've heard of other leisure/sports/pastimes that have expressed an interest in using the airfield in the past so lets hope he likes the idea of PPG!! It would be great venue!

I do have access to a couple of fields but have a long way to go..and yet to take my first step!

Are you local?


I am in potters bar, the owner of the airfield has had an on going dispute with one of the neibouring properties regarding access to the airfield, this has led to a smear campaign being waged against him in the village, he applied for planning permission to use the airfield for aviation again and has been waiting for the result of his application for some time, that's why no flying or any other activity has been held there as he does not want to rock the boat with the people of the village and have his application turned down.

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yes only applied to use it for aviation again so he could fly his own microlight from there, however the neirhbour he had the dispute with told the whole village he wanted to turn it into a commercial airfield the size of biggin hill, he has spent the last year or so try to convince the locals this is not the case.

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I get that!...A village like Bovingdon everyone knows (or wants to know) everyone's business!

The lady who owns the ex-horse fields behind me seems open to me using her field, at least for ground training, looks to be a little tight for take off and landings with the surrounding trees?! Guess I'll know better when I get some training sorted!

(Do you know of any local courses/instructors? I cant find anything within 1 1/2 hours+)


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