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Few questions from a newbie.


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Hi Im new here and new to the sport.

I was wondering if some of you guys here could maybe answer a few questions for me?

For as far back as I can remember I always looked to the skys watching planes helicopters and more so when I was a young boy (IM 30 now) I used to recall seeing quiet a few small ultralight/microlight aircraft buzzing around the skies of Birmingham but not so much these days?

So because IM lets say...."Financially challenged" at the moment and haven't ever been in a position to consider flying or obtaining a private pilots license, so my wishes to fly have always been a mere dream.

Now Saying this in my keen interest I started looking at the cheapest possible way to get airborne witch soon led me to paragliding, paramotors, and such and from what I can gather require no license or insurance to fly?

With the only exception being that some tuition is advisable.

Now I am coming from an rc background and have flown in every sort of simulator available for home computer. So although extremely inexperienced IM more than aware of the power of flight and how the principle works.

So I now have a option to fly within my financial budget and circumstances. :)

I have been looking mainly at paramotors and powered hang gliders. And I have a few questions I would like to ask.

Firstly am I right in thinking that no license or insurance is required to get airborne in one of these things?

I will be seeking professional tuition of course and also I don't mind teaching myself. There are tons of good vids on the internet pretty much covering all aspects of the sport, that said I will be seeking tuition too! Also to add I have noticed insurance is available for such things a paramotors and powered hang gliders and am prepared to take out such a policy if its advisable?

Secondly Is the law in the UK regarding ultralight/ microlight the same whether I choose to fly a powered paramotor or a powered hang glider? (the type that uses a standard paramotor unit) and equipped with a cart of some kind perhaps a trike or quad wheel setup?

I have been in confusion regarding the adding of wheels to the vehicle with some sites on the internet claiming that a license is then required to fly with such a conversion?

And third question and last "for now" is regarding airspace and areas in which it is not permitted to fly...Im Fully aware of airports controlled airspace and built up areas being a no fly zone!

I have read on the internet that a person must not fly less than 500 meters from built up areas. Does this mean 500 meters horizontal and vertical?

Im just lucky enough to live on the outskirts of Birmingham where the concrete and buildings in the city start to fade out into the "countryside" I would be looking to fly local to my home and looking at Google earth there are plenty of large fields around my area. Im struggling to find out information regarding ceiling height or any other limitations flying in this area. Im quiet a few miles from Birmingham airport and there are some small private or club type airports within a ten-12 mile radius... Can anyone point me in the right direction with regards to finding out what limitations I might face in this area in question? A top down map of controlled airspace or something similar?

Sorry for all the questions and my lack of knowledge regarding the sport.

Hope to here from you guys soon!

Good day pilots! ;)

Ps. I hope i posted this in the right section?



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Hi Gav and welcome to the paramotorclub.

I'm originally from Birmingham but you're not in the best place to find take off sites. The control zone of BHX stretches 9 miles in a south easterly direction.

Where are you more precisely?

If you have Google Earth you can download an overlay which will show you all the restricted/danger/class(A-G) areas, search on http://www.lloydbailey.net/airspace.html for United Kingdom and download a .kmz file and then import into Google Earth.

You are correct that you need no license or insurance for PPG in the UK. That is providing your craft can be FOOT launched. If it launches from wheels you need a license.

Everyone will tell you that professional training is so worth it, you will learn so much more on top of any web based study, plus a healthy approach to safety.

They do say it's only the pilots that are unsafe :lol:

The rule you allude to is the 500 foot rule (not metres) and it does apply horizontally or vertically.

You should find tons of info on this site so have a good trawl around.

Cheers for now, Alan

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Hi Gav and welcome to the paramotorclub.

I'm originally from Birmingham but you're not in the best place to find take off sites. The control zone of BHX stretches 9 miles in a south easterly direction.

Where are you more precisely?

If you have Google Earth you can download an overlay which will show you all the restricted/danger/class(A-G) areas, search on http://www.lloydbailey.net/airspace.html for United Kingdom and download a .kmz file and then import into Google Earth.

You are correct that you need no license or insurance for PPG in the UK. That is providing your craft can be FOOT launched. If it launches from wheels you need a license.

Everyone will tell you that professional training is so worth it, you will learn so much more on top of any web based study, plus a healthy approach to safety.

They do say it's only the pilots that are unsafe :lol:

The rule you allude to is the 500 foot rule (not metres) and it does apply horizontally or vertically.

You should find tons of info on this site so have a good trawl around.

Cheers for now, Alan

Thanks Alan this is very good to hear Im not completely wrong in my thoughts :)

So....Foot launched it is then! Thanks for the info buddy I am familiar with kmz and kml files I will be sure to check your recommendation!

I am based in Bartley green southwest of city center and I would very much like to soar the skies over hunnington romsley sort of way, I have attached a couple of screen shots from Google earth to show area in question with the only 2 airports At lest I know of?? circled in red.. BHX and halfpenny green.

Any info on whether I will encounter any trouble in this area would be very gratefully received.

Thanks again and thank you for the warm welcome :)




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Ok so having looked at the kmz Suggested I am definitely within class D airspace.

Does this mean that i cannot fly in this area or is it permitted to fly under a certain ceiling height?..Im also in class x airspace although Im unfamiliar with class x airspace?

Thanks again!


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You can ignore class X as it's higher airways, you won't be going there :)

If you left click on the class D areas shown on Google Earth it will show you what heights they restrict.

If you draw a line between Rubery and Cradely that is roughly the boundary between BHM CTA 5 and 7.

To the right of the line you are restricted to 2500 feet so in reality there is no problem.

Your shown area is almost all to the left so you're good to go.

Cheers, Alan

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You can ignore class X as it's higher airways, you won't be going there :)

If you left click on the class D areas shown on Google Earth it will show you what heights they restrict.

If you draw a line between Rubery and Cradely that is roughly the boundary between BHM CTA 5 and 7.

To the right of the line you are restricted to 2500 feet so in reality there is no problem.

Your shown area is almost all to the left so you're good to go.

Cheers, Alan

And just like that my dreams become reality :)

Thank you so much for the info buddy!



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Gav, I used to live in Quinton, Its not an easy place to find a field around romsley & hunnington.

There is a chap who fly's from that area but likes to keep the field for himself has he struggled to get it.

Been there and done that, i searched for ages for fields in that area.

I have now moved to Essington, Wolverhampton. I struggle to get fields here to. However i use a field in Nuneaton, your more than welcome to come and meet up with a few lads and look over the kit etc.

Carl W

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Gav, I used to live in Quinton, Its not an easy place to find a field around romsley & hunnington.

There is a chap who fly's from that area but likes to keep the field for himself has he struggled to get it.

Been there and done that, i searched for ages for fields in that area.

I have now moved to Essington, Wolverhampton. I struggle to get fields here to. However i use a field in Nuneaton, your more than welcome to come and meet up with a few lads and look over the kit etc.

Carl W

Thanks for the your reply carl!

Ahh yes Quinton is pretty much where i live, I was wondering about farmers willingness to let me fly from there fields?..That is not great news as you have tried already, Never the less I will put the feelers out and see what results I might get.

As for the invite to come and have a chat and have a gander at some kit sounds great and just what i need at the moment :).. Ill be sure to let you know buddy, Thanks!!

I'm looking for some help regarding wings for a beginner, lots of talk of reflex wings, non reflex wings, P.g wings ect.. Im 80kg bang on and I dont need to fly around at high speed. Really looking for what size wing i might need and what else i should look out for when considering making a purchase? Any help would be great!

Thanks again carl! I will be in touch mate!


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Hi Guys

I too would like to get into paramotoring pretty much the same as Gav. I live around 3 miles from Halfpenny Green airport in Swindon (Dudley) and I have a field of about 1.25 acres which ajoins farm land although my field is fenced

Sorry for being a little nieve but would there be any reason why I could not use my field to take off. Previous posts suggest that you could fly up to 2500 feet high. Given that I am so close to the airfield, we do tend to get planes flying pretty low and I wonder if the rules on flight height differ the closer you get to the airfield?

If my field is large enough, more than happy to have a few of you coming over and using the field to take off (at least until we get some horses in it).

Can anyone recommend any good instructors or clubs in and around the Dudley/Wolverhampton area and any idea of the costs of getting to a point where one can go solo.

One final question, what type of conditions are we normally expecting to be able to fly.



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Hi Andy,

The boundary for the control zone of Halfpenny Green passes right through the village of Swindon,

if you are to the East of Swindon that would be OK.

As far as low flying planes are concerned, the 500 foot rule does not apply whilst taking off or landing, so you could be seeing very low aircraft.

It is of course good airmanship to avoid built up areas :)

Normal conditions for PPG flying are dry and low or no wind,

Cheers, Alan

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