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The big fat repack


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The Thames Valley club‘s annual Big Fat Repack will run on Sunday February 24that the Rivermead Leisure Complex, Reading.

There will be a zip slide to practice reserve deployment, and the BHPA‘s repacking team will give presentations on how to deploy and repack your ‘chute. Qualified packers will be on hand with help and advice to ensure that everyone leaves with their ‘chute repacked.

There will also be first-aid lectures. The BFR costs £27.50 per person (non TVHGC) or £26.00 to TVHGC members! If you are not a BHPA member you will need join the BHPA for on the day which cost £15.

You can book online athttp://www.tvhgc.co.uk/bfr

This is a good event to go to at least once. It was started by Mark Taggart and Richard Prout, both very good friends of mine because of a terrible accident involving Marks Dad who died when his reserve did not open some years ago.


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I imagine that its because this event is run by the BHPA and a days membership will cover you for a days insurance. (Zip slide) I am sure there is nothing underhand. :-)

So all in for non bhpa members it will cost £42.50

Just make sure you tick the no junk mail box ;-)


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Why do you have to be a BHPA member to get your chute packed? :?

And to clarify, its THIS event that you need to be a member for.

If you want your reserve re-packed Aerofix or the Loft in that order are the most experienced people in this country and will send a driver to collect it from your house. They will repack anyones reserve of course.


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