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Flying in Falkirk area and the Trossachs

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Are there any particular issues with flying in Scotland that you have found that i should be aware of. :?: I'm thinking of heading of to Oban and then Tiree on the west coast this summer, (im from there) but have never flown in scotland before,any help advice would be appreciated.. :acro::D:D

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Cheers for that guys, :D i know air law should be the same but its good to get advice from locals, yea and the weather seems to be better up there more often than here according to my relatives, and checking out the vids scenery is superb, i just didnt appreciate it when lived there but do know some lovely places to fly. :D:wingover: Spoke to my sister from island of tiree and she said they have someone flys on the island quite often during the year but does not live there all year. Maybe he is on this forum. :o

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Hi, the biggest restriction we have is the weather I'm afraid. My mate has flown on the Isle of Seil just South of Oban. there are a few chunks of serious air space up the west coast so check the map. Seymore's vids on YouTube are excellent. Search for stuartasutherland on YouTube for mine.

I hope you get the weather!



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Hi Stuart,

I managed a 45 min flight yesterday in a break in the weather. But it was pretty rough. But I got some nice video footage of my parents house. And it looks like the weather has got worse and it look like it is going to stay bad till I go back.

But i did learn that a reverse launch in VERY boggy ground is harder that it looks an it is very difficult go get any grip and even when you turn around you cant run as the shoes get sucked in. But all in all it was a good flight.

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