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Using an SLR camera


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I have been looking at ways of taking my SLR camera flying to try to get some really good photo's, however it's throwing up more questions than it's answering at the moment. I realise that an SLR isn't really designed to be taken on a Paramotor & that any solutions will be compromises...

So does anyone out there fly with an SLR? If so how do you deal with the following?

1. Carrying it. Ideally I would like it attached to one of the arms. The

problem I'm getting is securing it so that it doesn't move & I can get

to it. The alternative would be to wear it on my body, but

it's pretty bulky & gets in the way of my (front mounted) reserve.

2. Securing it. Some sort of lanyard to the frame feels the best, but

again I'm struggling to come up with something I'm really happy with.

3. What camera settings do you use to get the best results. I'm

guessing around 1/500 sec & faster is best to stop blur. Anyone had a

play & come up with.

I'm hoping someone will have some really simple solutions, that I just haven't thought of yet...

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3. What camera settings do you use to get the best results. I'm

guessing around 1/500 sec & faster is best to stop blur. Anyone had a

play & come up with.

I find putting the camera onto Av (aperture priority) and dial in f8 or f11 to get the whole frame sharp and in focus. Then set the ISO to 400 or 800, the higher the ISO the quicker the shutter speed. The better the DSLR, the higher ISO you can use without getting noticeable noise.

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Thanks for the tips. I'll take it up with me next time have a play & see what happens. What others have said is pretty much along the same lines as I was thinking, so I'm hoping I can get a few decent shots.

It's just such a big bit of kit to try to stash. Hopefully the results will be worth it?

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