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all, yes it was very cold, but had to try my new motor so arrived at the grass field about midday to find Neil already there. Simon turned up shortly afterwards with some much needed supplies. Took off about an hour later into smooth air and the new Parajet peformed really well, flew into wind towards Simon's house, spotted the air ambulance helicopter on the deck so circled back and headed towards the launch field again. This time with the new motor l had plenty in reserve if needing more power but it cruised ok on half throttle for most of the trip although the harness was a tad tight but sorted that out later.

Once landed Neil and l waited for Neil's brother Rob and Clive to arrive for a quick turn round trip from redlands to the grass field, hope they got back before dusk (and Rob, did the hand warmers do the trick :) )

To windy for Monday so hope to make next weekend (sun/Mon) and hope its a tad warmer.

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It was all kicking off here yesterday!

Hi Mike, I did see you and wondered if you saw the Police Heli, the Air Ambu, two fire trucks a Police car an ambulance, and the fire safety officers car. (two horse riders thrown off there horses, nothing to do with Paramotors)

Glad that your happy with the motor.


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hi mike , the heated pads worked great .left them in my van & used them today (realy cold on roof) lasted till 10 am. got back to redlands realy quick all packed away before neil arrived.great weekend all round party sat & first out and return with C.B. thanks for hanging on with the wind sock .regards rob f.

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I use these

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-20-HANDWARMER ... dZViewItem

Cheep as chips, work VERY well... indeed I have given them all away and most have gone off to buy some. so glad you are all now getting your own LOL

Also 'FlyFish' AKA Rob, Great to see you posting a message at last :D And great that yo got your first decent XC in!!! WELL DONE MATE!

You have come a long way since that first landing on the south slope mate!


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Hi Gazza, no not gloves, these are heated pads that warm up once you open them. take about ten mins to warm up but remain hot for eight hours. Rob slipped them into his gloves that he was wearing. They are a once used throw away item and cost just under £2 a pair.


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