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Group ownership.


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Hi guys,

I was wondering if anyone had any experience (in GA or anywhere else) of aircraft group ownership? Thes is something I'm exploring with paramotoring and wondered if anyone had any advice? Has anyone else ever looked at doing this?

Cheers all.


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Hi Tj

Before moving to Spain, for 12 years I was in a syndicate of 20 owners of a Cessna 150, and I have to say that IMHO it is the best way to be involved in aeroplane ownership.

This is how it worked:

We ran the group very professionally, we had a treasurer and a group president and had an AGM once a year. To a lot of people this might sound to formal and to be honest, I hate all things committee and the like, but we had guys in the group that enjoyed this part and it served a purpose.

We all paid in £35 per month (for fixed costs ie parking, insurance servicing etc), and £35 per hour (for fuel and an engine fund).

We used an online service to book the aircraft, which was a true gem http://www.aircraftbooking.co.uk

You might think that with a group of 20 we'd all be fighting for bookings, but in fact the opposite was the case. There were only about 5 or 6 that regularly flew the plane. Availability was never a problem.

At one point one of the group by accident engaged the starter motor whilst in the air. Something broke off and got into the engine (sorry if my use of technical jargon has confused anyone :wink: ). The upshot was an engine rebuild. At the same time the CAA required us to have a full respray. The bill came to £14k. The aircraft was only worth £22k. However, between 20 of us and the money that we had built up in the account, we only had to find £100 each to pay for the work :D

When I first started flying, there were only class A aircraft groups, then someone at our club (Barton Aerodrome, Manchester) had the idea of a flexwing microlight group. This was initially criticised because the weather window that a microlight can fly is much smaller than a class A aircraft. However, as it happens this made no difference and microlight syndicates are very successful and commonplace now.

The question is why aren't there PPG syndicates?

I don't know. Maybe because the initial outlay doesn't compare to that of a regulated aircraft (even microlights are £20 upwards now), so many people can afford to own there own, new or 2nd hand PPG.

Personally I think that a small syndicate of maybe 3 or 4 would be a great idea. It would mean that the cost of everything could be shared. The initial purchase of the PPG and the wing, all the flying gadgets etc

There would need to be a few rules in place, such as if you are responsible for breaking it, you must pay for it's repair, especially props.

The aircraft booking website could be used. It only costs a nominal amount per year, or maybe a booking service could be added to this website for full members......?

The whole idea is definitely do-able

Hope this helps.


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You would all have to be in the same weight range or you would need two wings.

Motor is not so much of a problem as long as the smallest/lightest member could manage it. :D

Sounds a good idea for those that do not have the funds to hand for their own kit.

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You would all have to be in the same weight range or you would need two wings.

Motor is not so much of a problem as long as the smallest/lightest member could manage it. :D

Sounds a good idea for those that do not have the funds to hand for their own kit.

As a group, over time, you could even build up a number of wings and PPG's so each group member could experience different types of PPG flying

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