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HELP tank split on Adventure F3


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Went into the garage to a strong smell of petrol tonight, after dropping the tank on my adventure F3 I discovered a 3" split near a seam. what is the best way to seal the tank again, any ideas welcome, it is a plastic tank



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Depends on the composition of the plastic/nylon?

some can be melted together with a similar filler piece and some can be glued.

I had partial succes on a parajet tank, it did join but had small pin holes that leaked and to get them clean enough to do again would have ment pulling the patch right off to get it spotlessly clean.

I gave up and bought one.


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Went into the garage to a strong smell of petrol tonight, after .......

Good to hear you have it sealed- until your new tank arrives. Just a general note to everyone though- don't underestimate the dangers of petrol. Petrol vapour is extremely explosive, and when it accumulates in an enclosed space the consequeces can be disastrous shoud there be an ignition source. One tiny spark is all that it takes. If you detect a strong smell of petrol in your garage- do not operate any switches (lights, etc..) and open all the windows and doors to get as much air circulating as possible. Petrol vapour is heavier than air, so it will tend to lay near the ground.


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