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Online Air Maps??

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Are there any websites that have air maps you can view? I'm sure there must be, but I'm struggling to find them.

I've left my map at my dad's house and want to check something out in the low level corridor between Manchester and Liverpool.

Any tips would be appreciated!!


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Cheers Pete.

I want to know if the village of Norley is in Airspace or not. Was planning on visiting a friend tomorrow. I have a feeling it is or it will be very close.

I think I'm going to have to get the map! Those EasyJets seem to be getting lower and lower at the moment!! :shock:

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You are under 1 mile west of Manchester CTR

SO if you go stay west of a north south line from where you are you "" should "" be ok.

PLEASE check for yourself first and you have max ceiling of 2000 feet , this will give you a 500 foot barrier!!!!!


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