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I found this interesting piece from Australia and thought I'd post it on here.


A "Flyke": "Silhouetted against a brilliant blue sky, Andrew Polidano conjures up memories of E.T. as he powers along in his flying bike, the so-called flyke. The flyke, according to Mr Polidano and his neighbour and fellow flyer Eddie Gray, is set to be the new aerial craze. A paragliding instructor, Mr Polidano was the first person in Australia to own one, importing from the German inventor in 2002 and quickly assembling the contraption. The flyke is a recumbent, pedal-powered, 14-speed trike, with a two-stroke paramotor engine that drives a 1.2m-diameter propeller attached to a paragliding wing. Mr Gray took to the air for the first time in 2006 and, last year, the pair flew an incredible 1000km."

Richard X


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Now there's a grey area, as far as I'm aware anything used on UK roads that has an engine needs Taxing & Testing whether the engine is running or not, I remember when the powered mountain boards and scooters first came out and the problems that caused with the police not knowing what was legal and what wasn't, sometimes technology and ideas develop faster than the laws can keep up with. I also remember a few years back when the Motorcycle trailer was brought out for the Honda Goldwing and the police tried to prosecute a rider who used one, it eventually got thrown out of court because there where no laws saying you could or couldn't use one, I mean, who on earth would ever think of a trailer for a motorbike?! or even a flying bicycle you can ride on the road!?

Richard X

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Because the engine is not bolted to the flyke .it dont need tax etc.it clips on.so the flyke is only carrying the engine a bit like a push bike with a rack on the back,there is no drive train to the wheels ie chain/propshaft.however if you are caught useing the engine to power yourselft along the road then you would get done,but we dont do that do we.....lol

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